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electric circuit of an electrical installation

['sɜ:kɪt] n
el.mach. коло електричне инсталације; електрично коло
circuit of an overhead line ['sɜ:kɪt] n
pwr.lines. систем надземног вода
electric circuit ['sɜ:kɪt] n
el.mot. електрично
 English thesaurus
circuit ['sɜ:kɪt] abbr.
abbr. circt (Vosoni)
abbr., el. ckt; cqt
abbr., met. ct
abbr., polym. crt
avia., Canada A communication system that includes all the direct system channels between two points; The specified path to be flown by aircraft operating in the vicinity of an aerodrome
law, abbr. ckt.
mil., abbr. cct; cir; circ; ck
mil., logist. Bidirectional communication channel set up permanently or temporarily, directly or thru intermediaries, between two or more terminal entities of a network. (FRA)
therm.eng., abbr. c
Circuit ['sɜ:kɪt] abbr.
abbr. Cct (в названиях улиц alexghost)
CIRCUIT ['sɜ:kɪt] n
tech. components for intelligent robot and crane control, usability and intelligent teleoperation
: 155 phrases in 14 subjects
Electric machinery11
Electric motors33
Electrical engineering14
Electricity generation16
Power electronics11
Power lines5
Power system protection21
Printed circuit boards1
Risk Management1
Thermal Energy4

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