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noun | verb | adjective | abbreviation | to phrases
swap [swɔp] n
avunc. zamena; trampa
econ. konverzija; svop; zamena finansijskih instrumenata; zamena gotovinskog posla terminskim
law razmena
currency swap [swɔp] n
econ. zamena jedne valute drugom
swap [swɔp] v
gen. zamenjivati; trampiti; vršiti izmene
avia. izmeniti mesta uređaja
comp., MS prebaciti (To switch between active calls)
IT zameniti jedan elemenat drugim; premestiti segmente podataka iz memorije na disk i obrnuto
law razmenjivati; zameniti
slang menjati
tech. prenos; razmeniti; prebaciti na sekundarnu memoriju
swap [swɔp] adj.
econ. svop-poslovi
 English thesaurus
SWAP [swɔp] abbr.
abbr. Salespeople With A Purpose; Save Water And Power; Singles With A Purpose; Shared Wireless Application Protocol (HomeRF Association, WAP, WLAN); sector-wide approach
abbr., avia. Severe Weather Avoidance Program; system wide accident prevention; severe weather avoidance procedure
abbr., comp., net., IT Simple Workflow Access Protocol
abbr., ed. School Wide Activities Program; Semester Weighted Average Performance (Johnny Bravo)
abbr., ed., scient. Student Work Abroad Program
abbr., el. standard wafer array programming; switching assembly program
abbr., geol., scient. Seismic Wave Analysis Program
abbr., inet. Share With A Pal
abbr., IT Shared Wireless Access Protocol
abbr., law Student Work Alternative Program
abbr., med. complex soluble worm antigen
abbr., mil. South-West Approaches (к проливу Ла-Манш)
abbr., mil., avia. severe weather avoidance plan
abbr., phys., scient. Short Wavelength Automated Perimetry
abbr., scottish Size, Weight & Power
abbr., UN system-wide Action Plan (Игорь_2006)
abbr., water.suppl. Source Water Protection Program (EPA)
tech., abbr. scan within-a-pulse
SWAPS abbr.
abbr., avia. standing wave acoustic parametric source
SWaP [swɔp] abbr.
abbr., mil., air.def. size, weight and power
SWAps abbr.
abbr., org.name. sector-wide approach
SWAPS abbr.
abbr., space standing-wave acoustic parametric source
SWaP [swɔp] v
mil. Size Weight and Power (qwarty)
SWAp [swɔp] abbr.
abbr. sector-wide approach (World Bank MAMOHT)
Swap [swɔp] abbr.
abbr., file.ext. .swp (file name extension)
SWAP [swɔp] abbr.
abbr. simple wavelength allocating protocol
abbr., avia. Severe Weather Avoidance Procedures (Marusya^); severe weather avoidance plan
abbr., med. System-Wide Accident Prevention (iwona)
abbr., oil shear wave analysis package; steam-water alternating process
abbr., softw. Software Application Procedure (iwona)
abbr., UN, AIDS. Sector Wide Approaches and Programmes
: 78 phrases in 6 subjects
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