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bid [bɪd] n
gen. ponuda
construct. licitaciona ponuda
econ. cena po kojoj se kupuju hartije od vrednosti; kupovina terminskih ugovora ili opcija; kupovni kurs; ponuda da se nešto kupi po navedenoj ceni
law ponuda na licitaciji; predlog; tender
oil zahtjev; prijava; ponuđena cijena (na tržištu)
polygr. licitacija
road.wrk. ponuda za javno nadmetanje
st.exch. cena po kojoj kupac želi da zatvori posao
bid [bɪd] v
gen. zapovediti; poželeti; licitirati; ponuditi; oglasiti; objaviti; staviti ponudu
econ. ponuditi po navedenoj ceni
law naložiti; nuditi; pozivati; pozvati; zapovedati; zvati; narediti
lit. reći; moliti
berza - kupovna bid [bɪd] v
econ. ponuda
 English thesaurus
bid [bɪd] abbr.
abbr., med. twice a day
med. An abbreviation meaning "two times a day." The abbreviation is commonly used in drug dosing instructions.; bis in die (лат. I. Havkin); bis in die (2 раза в день ADol)
BID [bɪd] abbr.
abbr. Break It Down; biology (comb form)
abbr., auto. breakerless inductive discharge (AMC); board computer info display
abbr., avia. Block Island, Rhode Island USA; bundle installation data; business improvement district
abbr., el. battlefield information distribution; bus interface desk; bus interface device
abbr., inet. Back In The Days
abbr., lab.eq. Bacterial IDentification
abbr., med. Twice A Day; biventricle inner diameter (harser); brought in dead
abbr., mil. Brazilian Infantry Division
abbr., mil., avia. British Intelligence Department
abbr., mil., WMD barricaded intraline distance
abbr., oil International Development Bank
abbr., physiol., med. Twice Daily
abbr., st.exch. Sotheby Holdings, Inc.
abbr., tech. blunt impact damage (bonly)
abbr., telecom. board inward dialing
BADE [beɪd] abbr.
abbr., med. Thoracic Bioimpedance As An Adjunct To Dobutamine Echocardiography (study)
: 147 phrases in 7 subjects
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