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adverb | interjection | to phrases
ugh [ukh] adv.stresses
obs. фуй
ugh [ukh] int.
gen. фу (the sound that people make when something is extremely unpleasant: Ugh! The bread in the pantry has gone moldy. • Ugh! What's that smell?); брр (expressing feeling of cold, shudder of disgust, fear, etc: Ugh, it's cold! – Брр, холодно!); бе (the sound that people make when something is extremely unpleasant: Ugh! That's disgusting! • I saw her haircut. Ugh! • "Tongue-tied" can describe an actual speech impediment, and it literally involves the tongue being "tied" to the bottom of the mouth by a strip of skin, ugh!); тьфу (April May); ах ты! (выражение удивления, досады, и т.д. Побеdа); ох ты ж (Побеdа); ух!
ugh! int.
gen. фу (of disgust, contempt, etc.)
 English thesaurus
UGH [ukh] abbr.
abbr. uveitis-glaucoma-hyphaema syndrome
abbr., mil. UnderGround Headquarters
abbr., mus. Ukulele Group of Hawaii
UGH+ abbr.
abbr., med. Uveitis-glaucoma-hyphema Plus Vitreous Hemorrhage (syndrome)
ugh [ukh] int.
gen. a! (Побеdа)
: 20 phrases in 2 subjects