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RHC abbr.stresses
construct. Региональная холдинговая компания (gerasymchuk)
dril. дистанционное гидравлическое управление (remote hydraulic control)
health. СКЗ (сельский комитет здоровья, Кыргызстан; Rural Health Committee Elen Molokovskikh)
oil перфоратор многоразового использования (retrievable hollow carrier gun)
SAP. пособие частично безработным
 English thesaurus
rhc abbr.
abbr. right hand column (Yakov)
RHC abbr.
abbr. Regional Bell Holding Company; Regional Housing Centre; Right Hand Circular; radiation hazards control
abbr., avia. range height converter; right hand console; rotation hand control
abbr., construct. rapid-hardening cement (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., earth.sc. Rockwell Hardness C Scale
abbr., ed., scient. Residence Hall Council; Residence Halls Counsel; Reviews, Hints, and Cheats
abbr., el. radiation-hardened circuit
abbr., med. Right Heart Catheterization; Rural Health Clinic; Rural health center (Nimeria); respirations have closed
abbr., med.appl. right hemicolectomy (vlad-and-slav)
abbr., media. Radio Habana Cuba
abbr., mil. Ruggedized Hand-held Computer
abbr., mil., avia. radiation-hard circuit
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. remote hardened controller
abbr., oil remote hydraulic control; retrievable hollow carrier (perforating gun); rapid hardening cement; reactive hydrocarbon; Cosmo resid hydroconversion (process); residue residuum hydrocracking; retrievable hollow carrier gun; Rockwell hardness C-scale; rubber hydrocarbon content
abbr., oil.proc. Raffinate Hydroconversion (Yakov)
abbr., physiol., med. Respiration Has Ceased
abbr., polym. rubber hydrocarbon
abbr., radio range-height converter
abbr., scottish Red Hand Commandos (UK); Regiment d'Helicopteres de Combat (France); Remote Highway Coupler
abbr., stat. Rao-Hartley-Cochran method
abbr., telecom. regional holding company
abbr., tradem. Red Hawk Corporation
met. Reheat Coil
oil, abbr. resid hydroconversion
tech. reactor head cooling; right-hand circular (polarization); rotational hand controller
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