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AGP abbr.stresses
gen. ускоренный графический порт
abbr. ускоренный графический порт (графический стандарт для отображения трёхмерных изображений Vosoni)
agric. антибиотик-стимулятор роста (Antibiotic Growth Promoter Сергій Саржевський)
automat. ускоренный графический порт (сокр. от accelerated graphic port ssn)
combust. период готовности (MichaelBurov); гарантированный период готовности (MichaelBurov)
dent.impl. принцип AGP (age – central incisor, gender – lateral incisor, personality – canine MichaelBurov); критерии "возраст-пол-личность" (MichaelBurov); критерии AGP (MichaelBurov)
el. порт стандарта AGP; магистральный интерфейс AGP; шина расширения стандарта AGP для подключения видеоадаптеров; стандарт AGP
immunol. осаждение агарового геля (agar gel precipitation AlexandraM)
inet. Домен высшего уровня стран Африки (PAYX)
math. арифметико-геометрическая прогрессия (arithmetico-geometrical progression)
med. Альфа-1 кислый гликопротеин (белок острой фазы воспаления TatianaAnt)
 English thesaurus
AGP abbr.
abbr. A Gateway Protocol; Accelerated Gifted Program; Accelerated Graphic Port (Vosoni); Accelerated Graphics Performance; Adjutant-General Pool; Advanced / Accelerated Graphics Port (Intel, MMX, AGP); Advanced Gaming Port; Advanced Graphics Port; Advanced Graphics Processing; Advanced Graphics Processor; Alexander Global Promotions; Another Good Platform; Another Grilled Penis; Army Ground Pool; Artful Good Pictures; Associate Government Program; Augmented Graphics Pictures; Automatic Giving Plan; Patrol Craft Tender; Agreement on Government Procurement (kee46)
abbr., automat. accelerated graphic port (ssn)
abbr., avia. aircraft grounded for lack of parts; alternate gauging processor; avionics ground prototype
abbr., comp., net. Advanced Graphic Port
abbr., dent.impl. Age – central incisor, Gender – lateral incisor, Canine – personality (MichaelBurov); AGP concept (MichaelBurov); Age - central incisor, Gender - lateral incisor, Canine - personality (MichaelBurov); Age – central incisor, Gender – lateral incisor, Canine – personality (MichaelBurov); Age – central incisor, Gender – lateral incisor, Personality – canine (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dentist. Age–Gender–Personality (age – central incisor, gender – lateral incisor, canine – personality MichaelBurov); Age–Gender–Personality age – central incisor, gender – lateral incisor, canine – personality (MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. accelerated graphics port architecture
abbr., file.ext. Accelerated/Advanced Graphics Port
abbr., IT Advanced Graphic Processor; application gateway proxy
abbr., med. Acid Glycoprotein; Agar Gel Precipitation; Ambulatory Glucose Profile; Azurophil Granule Protein
abbr., mil. Accelerated Graphics Port
abbr., mil., avia. accelerated graphics port
abbr., oil additional gas produced; African Gravity Project
abbr., org.name. Plant Production and Protection Division
abbr., pharma. acid glycoprotein (Elmitera)
abbr., scottish Army Gateway Program (US Army); Patrol craft tender (USA)
abbr., shipb. motor torpedo boat tender
abbr., water.suppl. Algal Growth Potential
abbr., zoot. antibiotic growth promoter (igisheva)
airports Malaga, Spain
mil. acquired government property; aircraft gun pod; Army group; automatic guidance programming; aviation general policy
tech. auxiliary generating plant
agp abbr.
abbr., sport. average goals against per period
: 25 phrases in 7 subjects
Dental implantology1
Information technology3