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gen. put it that way (англ. выражение ставится в конце фразы; хотя наиболее универсальным вариантом остается, безусловно, "so to speak" 4uzhoj); as it were (в знач. "если можно так выразиться": The street plan evolved, as it were, by natural selection. • And if we feel, as it were, that there is an eye looking down upon us, it would be well for us to lift up our eyes at times.); as much as to say; that is; that is to say; like; so to say; by way of argument like; in a manner; so saying (Interex); say to say; or shall we say (erelena); shall we say (But I was involved in a more, organisational capacity, shall we say. Rust71); in the manner of speaking (Taras); in some way or other (anyname1); I'd say (anyname1); so to speak (highbery)
Игорь Миг as they say; kind of; I guess; somewhat
arch. as who should say
idiom. to coin a phrase (Захарова Н.А.)
inf. if you will (= so to speak; в т.ч. как фраза-паразит: These are "partial artifacts", if you will. • And so it seems that the lapse, the failure to connect the dots, if you will, really is more egregious than we even knew about. • I think it's a reason we've done well; part of our mystique, if you will.  4uzhoj)
math. so to say (particle accelerators as, so to say (so to speak), the heavy artillery of the atomic world); so to speak (particle accelerators as, so to say (so to speak), the heavy artillery of the atomic world)
obs. in a manner of speaking
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gen. let's put it that way (anyname1); essentially (Побеdа)
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: 176 phrases in 13 subjects
Cliche / convention1
Figure of speech2
Quotes and aphorisms2