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gen. drop; have done
gen. don't!; leave it out!; come off it!
gen. drop; have done
gen. come along
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slang zero in on
| чм
tech. frequency shift
| то
gen. the fact
| важном
gen. important thing
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 требующий внимания
gen. insistent
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перестать vstresses
gen. quit; desist; give over (делать что-либо); quit it (делать что-либо: used to tell someone to stop doing something usually because it is annoying or irritating He was kicking the back of her seat until she finally told him to quit it. Bullfinch); choke (делать что-либо); withdraw (посещать класс Students can withdraw from a class anytime until the last week of the semester. VLZ_58); cease; leave off (to leave off winter clothes – перестать носить тёплые вещи); let be; stop; cut it out
Gruzovik stop
amer. come off (замолчать)
amer., slang can; canner
fig. come to a full stop
inf. cut; lay off
Makarov. dry up; chuck in; chuck up; be over; blow out; come off (делать что-либо); cut out (что-либо делать); leave off; snap out of (плакать, расстраиваться и т. п.)
Makarov., inf. give over; be through (что-либо делать)
obs. give off
slang jack in (делать что-либо)
перестань! v
gen. don't!; leave it out!; come off it! (Anglophile); knock it off! (ребёнку, напр.); chuck it!; come off it desist!; none of that!; come on; flush it
amer., rude oh, come off it!
inf. come on! (Aly19); please! (maystay); stop that! (Andrey Truhachev); cease that! (Andrey Truhachev); stow it! (Br.sl. Andrey Truhachev); stop doing that! (Andrey Truhachev); can it! (Am. Andrey Truhachev); cut that out! (Andrey Truhachev); pack it in! (Andrey Truhachev); don't go on like that! (Andrey Truhachev); cut it out! (Andrey Truhachev); shucks! (выражение смущения в ответ на комплимент Ananaska); knock it off!
перестань v
gen. drop; have done (с восклицательным знаком); snap out of it; Stop it! (Andrew Goff); pall that
Игорь Миг quit
context. c'mon (April May)
inf. knock it off! (q3mi4); chuck it (chuck it! – молчи!)
jarg. cheese it
перестаньте v
gen. drop; have done (с восклицательным знаком)
перестаньте! v
gen. come along (выражение недоверия); cut it out!; have done!; forbear!
перестаньте v
gen. come, have it out; a truce to; a truce with
перестаньте! v
Makarov. let there be a truce to that!
перестанем v
gen. let us desist
Перестаньте! v
inf. Cut it out! (MichaelBurov)
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: 1 phrase in 1 subject