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verb | verb | to phrases
дотягиваться vstresses
gen. haul; drag; draw; pull (to, as far as); lick (как языком); overreach (User); reach (with до); be able to touch
Gruzovik reach (impf of дотянуться); touch (impf of дотянуться)
Gruzovik, inf. make one's way to (impf of дотянуться); get as far as (impf of дотянуться); stretch to; last till (impf of дотянуться); of time drag by until (impf of дотянуться); reach with difficulty (impf of дотянуться)
inf. hold out till; keep putting off till; make; make way (to); prolong till; stretch out (to, as far as); suffice; live till; stretch; extend (as far as); make it (to a place)
Makarov. lick at (как языком); lick out of (как языком); reach for; go (went; gone)
дотягивать v
gen. drag as far as (with до); stretch as far as
Gruzovik drag to/as far as (impf of дотянуть); draw to/as far as (impf of дотянуть); haul to/as far as (impf of дотянуть); pull to/as far as (impf of дотянуть)
Gruzovik, inf. stretch out to (impf of дотянуть); stretch out as far as (impf of дотянуть); stretch out to/as far as (impf of дотянуть); live till (impf of дотянуть); last till (impf of дотянуть); reach (impf of дотянуть); make (impf of дотянуть); prolong till (impf of дотянуть); hold out till (impf of дотянуть); suffice (impf of дотянуть); keep putting off till (impf of дотянуть)
inf. bring in (a disabled ship, aircraft, etc.); make it (to a place); live until; hold out until; get as far as (impf of дотянуться)
: 30 phrases in 8 subjects