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gen. public corporation
gen. national; public; high; imperial; political; statesmanlike
| транспортная компания
 транспортная компания
gen. shipping company
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государственный adj.stresses
gen. national; public; high; imperial; political; statesmanlike; governmental; government; countrywide (MichaelBurov); country-wide (MichaelBurov); nationwide (MichaelBurov); nation-wide (MichaelBurov); state owned; state run; established (о церкви); state-operated (о предприятии); of the state (Andrey Truhachev); state; government-run (об организации Ремедиос_П); state-controlled (MichaelBurov); state-regulated (MichaelBurov); government-controlled (MichaelBurov); government-run (MichaelBurov); politic
busin. nationalized (Andrey Truhachev); nationalised (Andrey Truhachev)
Canada Crown (о территориях или земельных участках, принадлежащих государству на уровне провинциального правительства; применяются выражения Crown land, Crown property, Crown parcel: Crown land is land (or land covered by water like rivers or lakes) that is owned by the provincial government. This type of land is available to the public for many different purposes – from industry to recreation and research. gov.bc.ca ART Vancouver)
econ. state operated operate
el. state-run
gov. public-sector (public-sector jobs, public-sector employees, public-sector workers ART Vancouver); state-run (state-run restaurants, a state-run school • A third of England’s state-run maternity hospitals have now adopted terms such as ‘birthing people’ or ‘pregnant people’ in place of ‘mothers’ or ‘pregnant women’. ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, polit. Gov (government; governmental); Govt (government; governmental)
law demesnial (об имуществе); official; state-owned; state criminal; federal ("It's essential to have one body empowered to act in the name of the state to formulate investment project proposals," Bazhenov said, adding that there is currently no organization capable of balancing regional and federal interests. TMT Alexander Demidov); officially recognized (officially recognized language – государственный язык Alex_Odeychuk)
med. national (напр. о здравоохранении, пособии по инвалидности, сертификате)
mil. government-owned
polit. publicly owned (ssn); government-controlled (Alexander Matytsin); state-controlled (Artjaazz); quasi-corporate (ssn); state-sponsored (Alex_Odeychuk)
государственная adj.
gen. public corporation (руководит национализированной отраслью промышленности)
electr.eng. state-owned power station
государственно adv.
dipl., amer. federally
Государственная транспортная компания
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects