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there you have it

gen. вот так-то (Andrey Truhachev); вот, пожалуйста (And there you have it – the resounding belief of 99of Americans. " And there you have it – a warmer winter is in store, with heavy snowfalls expected occasionally in the new year but with low overall precipitation. Alexander Demidov); вот-вот (= то-то и оно 4uzhoj); то-то и оно (But how could the burglar have scaled a twenty-foot wall without a ladder? – There you have it. That's what has the police confused. Alexander Demidov); в том-то и дело (But how could the burglar have scaled a twenty-foot wall without a ladder? – There you have it. That's what has the police confused.  alexghost)
and there you have it
gen. готово (Simply turn the handle three times and there you have it.You just plug it in, push this button, and there you have it.)
there you have it
: 7 phrases in 1 subject

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