math. |
т.т.т. |
gen. |
Опознаватель "свой-чужой" (Identification friend or foe КГА) |
antarct., abbr. |
Международный форум промысловиков (Новая Зеландия) |
avia. |
система "свой-чужой" (MichaelBurov); опознавание государственной принадлежности (MichaelBurov) |
construct. |
работа без происшествий и травм (Incident and Injury Free Kate Alieva) |
Gruzovik, IT |
формат обмена файлами (interchange file format) |
Gruzovik, mil. |
радиолокационное опознавание "свой-чужой" (identification friend or foe); радиолокационная система опознавания (identification, friend or foe) |
Gruzovik, radioloc. |
опознание "свой-чужой" (identification, friend or foe) |
mil. |
функция опознавания "свой-чужой" (WiseSnake) |
mil., avia. |
Система радиолокационного опознавания "Свой-чужой" (Rust71) |
SAP.tech. |
переадресующий |
Gruzovik, math. |
тогда и только тогда (if and only if) |
IT |
эквивалентность |
math. |
так и только так; в том и только в том случае (когда) |
Gruzovik, IT |
формат IFF (interchange file format) |
mil. |
система опознавания "свой – чужой" (WiseSnake) |
iff if and only if [ɪf] conj. | |
math. |
тогда и только тогда, когда (Alex Lilo) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
intense ice fog |
abbr., avia. |
institute of freight forwarders; International Flying Farmers |
abbr., commer. |
Institute of Freight Forwarder |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Iceland-Faeroe Islands Oceanic Front |
abbr., oil |
Issued for Final (IFF Madi Azimuratov) |
abbr., space |
isoelectric focusing facility |
abbr., sport. |
international Fitness Federation |
abbr., telecom. |
if-and-only-if |
abbr. |
if and only if (Vosoni) |
abbr. |
Identification Of Friend Or Foe; Integral Force Feedback; Interactive Fan Fiction; Interchange File Format; Identification - Friend or Foe; Imaginary Friends Forever (Artjaazz) |
abbr., auto. |
international freight forwarder |
abbr., avia. |
friend-or-foe identification (MichaelBurov); identification friend or foe technology (MichaelBurov); IFF technology (MichaelBurov); identification friend/foe |
abbr., cinema |
International Film Festival |
abbr., el. |
identification friend-or-foe; intensity fluctuation factor; intermediate file format; intermediate frequency filter; interrupt flip-flop; ionized flow field |
abbr., el., scient. |
If and only if |
abbr., file.ext. |
Bitmap graphics or sound (Amiga IFF/8SVX Interchange File Format); Graphic format (Amiga Vosoni); Image File Format; Interchange Format File (Vosoni); Interchangeable File Format (Amiga); Sun TAAC Image File Format Bitmap graphics |
abbr., fin. |
International Finance Facility |
abbr., med. |
innerfracture face |
abbr., mil. |
identification, friend or foe; identification "friend or foe" |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
interrogator of friend or foe |
abbr., NATO |
Identification friend or foe |
abbr., org.name. |
Intergovernmental Forum on Forests |
abbr., scottish |
Identification Friend or Foe |
abbr., st.exch. |
International Flavors & Fragrances |
abbr., tech. |
identification friend or foe; transponder; identification friend-foe |
abbr., textile |
International Fashion Fair |
comp. |
intermediate frequency equalization |
energ.ind. |
Institute for the Future |
meteorol. |
Identification (Friend or Foe) |
mil. |
identification, friend-or-foe; inert fluid fill |
tech. |
in-flight friend-or-foe |
abbr. |
free fluid index |