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тогда и только тогда iff

[ɪf] abbr.
math. т.т.т.
IFF [ɪf] abbr.
gen. Опознаватель "свой-чужой" (Identification friend or foe КГА)
antarct., abbr. Международный форум промысловиков (Новая Зеландия)
avia. система "свой-чужой" (MichaelBurov); опознавание государственной принадлежности (MichaelBurov)
construct. работа без происшествий и травм (Incident and Injury Free Kate Alieva)
Gruzovik, IT формат обмена файлами (interchange file format)
Gruzovik, mil. радиолокационное опознавание "свой-чужой" (identification friend or foe); радиолокационная система опознавания (identification, friend or foe)
Gruzovik, radioloc. опознание "свой-чужой" (identification, friend or foe)
mil. функция опознавания "свой-чужой" (WiseSnake)
mil., avia. Система радиолокационного опознавания "Свой-чужой"  (Rust71)
SAP.tech. переадресующий
iff [ɪf] conj.
Gruzovik, math. тогда и только тогда (if and only if)
IT эквивалентность
math. так и только так; в том и только в том случае (когда)
IFF [ɪf] conj.
Gruzovik, IT формат IFF (interchange file format)
mil. система опознавания "свой – чужой" (WiseSnake)
iff if and only if [ɪf] conj.
math. тогда и только тогда, когда (Alex Lilo)
 English thesaurus
IFF [ɪf] abbr.
abbr. intense ice fog
abbr., avia. institute of freight forwarders; International Flying Farmers
abbr., commer. Institute of Freight Forwarder
abbr., earth.sc. Iceland-Faeroe Islands Oceanic Front
abbr., oil Issued for Final (IFF Madi Azimuratov)
abbr., space isoelectric focusing facility
abbr., sport. international Fitness Federation
abbr., telecom. if-and-only-if
iff [ɪf] abbr.
abbr. if and only if (Vosoni)
IFF [ɪf] abbr.
abbr. Identification Of Friend Or Foe; Integral Force Feedback; Interactive Fan Fiction; Interchange File Format; Identification - Friend or Foe; Imaginary Friends Forever (Artjaazz)
abbr., auto. international freight forwarder
abbr., avia. friend-or-foe identification (MichaelBurov); identification friend or foe technology (MichaelBurov); IFF technology (MichaelBurov); identification friend/foe
abbr., cinema International Film Festival
abbr., el. identification friend-or-foe; intensity fluctuation factor; intermediate file format; intermediate frequency filter; interrupt flip-flop; ionized flow field
abbr., el., scient. If and only if
abbr., file.ext. Bitmap graphics or sound (Amiga IFF/8SVX Interchange File Format); Graphic format (Amiga Vosoni); Image File Format; Interchange Format File (Vosoni); Interchangeable File Format (Amiga); Sun TAAC Image File Format Bitmap graphics
abbr., fin. International Finance Facility
abbr., med. innerfracture face
abbr., mil. identification, friend or foe; identification "friend or foe"
abbr., mil., air.def. interrogator of friend or foe
abbr., NATO Identification friend or foe
abbr., org.name. Intergovernmental Forum on Forests
abbr., scottish Identification Friend or Foe
abbr., st.exch. International Flavors & Fragrances
abbr., tech. identification friend or foe; transponder; identification friend-foe
abbr., textile International Fashion Fair
comp. intermediate frequency equalization
energ.ind. Institute for the Future
meteorol. Identification (Friend or Foe)
mil. identification, friend-or-foe; inert fluid fill
tech. in-flight friend-or-foe
Iff [ɪf] abbr.
abbr. free fluid index
: 121 phrases in 13 subjects
Antennas and waveguides2

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