gen. |
интеллектуальные связи (off-page connectors Ananaska) |
abbr. |
ОПЦ (обычный портландцемент – ordinary portland cement shergilov) |
pharm. |
ампула, One-Point-Cut (whoever) |
product. |
промышленный протокол передачи данных (Yeldar Azanbayev) |
telecom. |
коды OPC (oleg.vigodsky) |
auto. |
Центр доработки Опель (Opel Perfomance Centre Wankel); онлайновый каталог запасных частей (Online Parts Catalogue Vasia Chapaeff) |
build.mat. |
обычный портландцемент (souldigger) |
comp. |
OLE для управления процессами (производством AlterEgo) |
med. |
амбулатория (MichaelBurov) |
microel. |
оптическая коррекция масок (optical proximity correction, при погружении в глубокий субмикрон andbelousov) |
O&G |
межстраничный соединитель (Александр Стерляжников) |
oil |
Комитет по нефтяной политике (США; Oil Policy Committee) |
pharm. |
олигомерные процианидины (oligomeric procyanidins yakamozzz) |
tech. |
фотобарабан (kettrin) |
abbr., telecom. |
ОРС (новый коммуникационный стандарт для компонентов систем автоматизации, обеспечивает взаимодействие между системами управления, системами визуализации и обслуживания, периферийными устройствами промышленного назначения и офисными приложениями; OLE для управления технологическими процессами; OLE for Process Control Alex Lilo) |
English thesaurus |
abbr., med. |
Objective Performance Criteria (iwona) |
abbr., mil., navy |
offshore patrol cutter USCG (Val_Ships) |
abbr. |
Online Parish Clerk; Online Parish Clerks; Open Plant Cleaning; for process control OLE; Oceanographic Data Processing Center; Ohio Power Company; optician; Ordnance Procurement Center; Origination Point Code (SS7) |
abbr., afr. |
Ovamboland People's Congress |
abbr., bible.term., scient. |
Online Public Catalog |
abbr., biotechn. |
Oligodendrocyte precursor cell (Altuntash) |
abbr., comp. |
OLE for Process Control (AlterEgo) |
abbr., el., scient. |
Optical Passive Component; Optimal Pressable Ceramic; Optimum Power Calibration; Optimum Power Control; Organic Photo Conductor; Originating Point Code |
abbr., electr.eng. |
off-peak operating conditions; on-peak operating conditions; operating conditions; overspeed protection controller |
abbr., file.ext. |
Organic/Optical Photoconductor |
abbr., hi-fi |
Optimum Picture Control |
abbr., inet. |
Original Post Count |
abbr., IT |
Ole For Process Control; Ole Process Control; OpenGL Performance Characterization |
abbr., med. |
Oculopalatocerebral (syndrome); Oligonucleotide Purification Cartridge; Outpatient Clinic; Overall Performance Category; Office De La Protection Du Consommateur; out-patient clinic (MichaelBurov); out-patient department (MichaelBurov); outpatient clinic (MichaelBurov); outpatient department (MichaelBurov); OPD (MichaelBurov); Organ Procurement Coordinator (координатор по снабжению донорскими органами dianasbubnom); SARS (Вадим Слепченко) |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
Ocean Products Center |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
oil productive capacity |
abbr., O&G, sahk.s. |
object linking and embedding for process control |
abbr., oil |
Oil Policy Committee |
abbr., oncol. |
Out-Patient Care |
abbr., opt. |
optical phase conjugation |
abbr., PCB |
organic photocopier (inn) |
abbr., physiol. |
OroPharyngeal Candidiasis; OutPatient Clinic |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Outpatient clinic |
abbr., progr., IT |
Optical Proximity Correction |
abbr., silic. |
ordinary portland cement |
abbr., st.exch. |
Q C Optics, Inc. |
abbr., tel. |
Open peripheral controller (Yakov) |
abbr., tradem. |
Opel Performance Centre |
abbr., transp. |
Opel Performance Car |
abbr., vibr.monit. |
OLE for process control OLE (modinn) |
energ.ind. |
off-peak conditions; on-peak conditions; optical particle counter; optimized process control |
meteorol. |
the control indicated is operational control |
mil. |
office of primary concern; operational code |
tech. |
operation code; optical picture control |
abbr. |
oil productive capacity |
abbr., med. |
operating procedure code supplement (harser); Office of Population Censuses and Surveys |
abbr. |
Occidental Petroleum Corp. |
abbr., avia. |
operation check; operational control; operational program configuration; operational check; other procurement cost; output predictive control |
abbr., comp.name. |
Occidental Petroleum Corporation |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Ohio Power Co. |
abbr., el. |
odd-parity check; on-line plotter controller; operating center; optical computer; optical path change; optical path computer; optical proximity effect correction; optical pulse compression; optional calling plans; optimum pulse control; organic photoconductor; output position counter |
abbr., fin. |
oil producing countries |
abbr., meteorol. |
organic photoconductor material |
abbr., mil. |
Ocean Prediction Center (DOC) |
abbr., mil., avia. |
offshore patrol combatant |
abbr., oil |
OCS outer continental shelf Policy Committee; Oil Prices Committee; OLE olefin(s) for process control; operations planning and control; operator process control; optional predictive control; Oversea Petroleum Corporation |
abbr., ophtalm. |
Optical Product Code (inn) |
abbr., org.name. |
Office for Partnerships, Advocacy and Capacity Development |
abbr., railw. |
operator's computer |
abbr., tech. |
Open Platform Communications (iwona) |
abbr., textile |
one person control |