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ballpark figure

gen. приблизительная оценка, сумма (I know you can't tell me the exact cost; just give me a ballpark figure Olga Okuneva); приблизительная цифра (Alexey Lebedev); ориентировочный показатель (The ballpark figure for strengthening the banks will be around 100bn euros. Би-Би-Си Alexander Demidov)
idiom. примерная оценка (A ballpark estimate or figure is a number that is a guess, but one that you believe is near the correct number (Cambridge Dictionary) • It's just a ballpark figure, so you could expect the final bill to be somewhat higher. ART Vancouver); примерная цифра (I don't need an exact number. A ballpark figure will do. Val_Ships); ориентировочная величина (I know you can't tell me the exact cost; just give me a ballpark figure. Val_Ships); предположительная оценка (an estimate or an off-the-cuff guess Val_Ships); цифра навскидку (a rough numerical estimate or approximation Val_Ships); средняя температура по больнице (В некоторых контекстах Alexander Oshis)
inf. приблизительный подсчёт (Alex Lilo)
ballpark figure
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