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make a profit

gen. делать деньги (на чем-л.); получать выгоду (от чего-л.); получить прибыль (The current government increased immigration dramatically without a plan to provide housing. Now mortgage rates have risen and builders are waiting on the sidelines for better finance conditions to make a profit. Government is throwing tax money (billions) -- our money, at a problem they created... to influence your vote. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
busin. делать прибыль
disappr. нажиться (“The middle-class is under siege principally due to the escalation of land costs. As land has been rationed in an effort to curb urban sprawl, the excess of demand over supply has driven prices up,” the report said. Prices were driven up even further as investors jumped into the market to make a profit. (cnn.com)The current government increased immigration dramatically without a plan to provide housing. Now mortgage rates have risen and builders are waiting on the sidelines for better finance conditions to make a profit. Government is throwing tax money (billions) -- our money, at a problem they created... to influence your vote. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
econ. получать прибыль; извлекать прибыль
invest. извлекать прибыль (Investing and buying property to make a profit is a big decision and one you shouldn't treat lightly. (moneymagpie.com) ART Vancouver)
получать прибыль make a profit
gen. наживаться (lop20)
make a profit
: 32 phrases in 6 subjects

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