gen. |
восемнадцатая буква английской азбуки |
conv.notation. |
генетический эффект отбора; доля фермента в состоянии R; обозначение собственности фирмы (ставится после названия продукта, издательства, автора); одно из конформационных состояний фермента; символ устойчивости к чему-либо; умеренный дождь; дыхательный коэффициент |
media. |
первичный красный цвет |
conv.notation. |
слабый дождь |
conv.notation. |
сильный дождь |
O&G, sakh. |
сумма чистой прибыли / сумма совокупных расходов |
gen. |
R configuration (emirates42) |
logist. |
Европейское соглашение, касающееся работы экипажей транспортных средств, произ-водящих международные автомобильные перевозки (European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport alexmuz3@mail.ru) |
tech. |
трубная резьба стандарта ISO 7 / 1 |
gen. |
эр; 18-я буква английского алфавита |
mil., obs. |
остальные части; остальные люди |
ling. |
ра (транскрипции по системе Поливанова, используемой для передачи кириллицей звуков японского языка, соответствует данная транскрипция на основе латиницы по системе Хэпбёрна Alex_Odeychuk) |
gen. |
Р (The European Pharmacopoeia, 4th Edition, 2002, p.287, 4.1.REAGENTS, STANDARD SOLUTIONS, BUFFER SOLUTIONS: "Where the name of substance or a solution is followed by the letter R (the whole in italics), this indicates a reagent included in the following." Practically it means that the reagent is "included in the Pharmacopoeia" or "a pharmacopoeial substance or reagent". Мария100); научно-производственный (Alexander Demidov); фильмы, на которые дети до 16-17 лет допускаются только в сопровождении взрослых |
archit. |
предел огнестойкости по признаку R (критерий огнестойкости по признаку потери несущей способности / Load-bearing capacity yevsey) |
auto. |
возвращение назад |
avia. |
зона ограничения полётов (MichaelBurov) |
chem. |
воспроизводимость (Zhelezniakova) |
crim.law. |
король (Rex (King); Regina (Queen) in criminal law case names depending on whether there was a king or queen in office at the time of the decision. When speaking, instead of saying ‘R versus Smith' one should really say ‘The Crown against Smith'. • R v Smith (уголовное дело по обвинению Смита) "Корона против Смита" solitaire); королева (Rex (King); Regina (Queen) in criminal law case names depending on whether there was a king or queen in office at the time of the decision. When speaking, instead of saying ‘R versus Smith' one should really say ‘The Crown against Smith'. • R v Smith (уголовное дело по обвинению Смита) "Корона против Смита" solitaire) |
dril. |
шарошечное долото (rock bit); температурная шкала Реомюра (Reamur) |
drug.name |
рифампицин (Ying) |
econ. |
аббревиатура от research and developement – НИОКР, научно-исследовательские и опытно-конструкторские работы (Гуртовой) |
ed. |
академический курс был повторно изучен (В транскрипте Johnny Bravo); Курс подлежит повторному прохождению (=Repeat; в транскрипте Johnny Bravo) |
el. |
R-сигнал; сброс; кнопка "reset"; возврат (реле); повторная установка; красный (основной цвет в колориметрической системе RGB и цветовой модели RGB); сигнал красного (цвета); кнопка сброса; кнопка аппаратного перезапуска |
genet. |
символ, обозначающий правое плечо политенной хромосомы (dimock); аргинин (dimock) |
geol. |
рифейская эратема (MichaelBurov); рифейский период (MichaelBurov); рифейская система (MichaelBurov); рифейский век (MichaelBurov); рифейская эпоха (MichaelBurov); рифей (MichaelBurov); рифейский возраст (MichaelBurov); рифейское время (MichaelBurov); рифейский (MichaelBurov); рифейская эра (MichaelBurov) |
Gruzovik, mil. |
разведка (reconnaissance); резерв (reserve); запас (reserve); ракета (rocket); ракетный снаряд (rocket); тыловой (rear); резервный (reserve); запасной (reserve) |
Gruzovik, scient. |
реле (relay); резистор (resistor); магнитное сопротивление (reluctance); сопротивление (resistance) |
math. |
размах (range); скорость (rate); интенсивность (rate); R-программа |
microbiol. |
устойчивый (resistant Ying) |
mil. |
в отставке (WiseSnake); пуск ракеты с корабля; самолёт СВ; разведывательный (reconnaissance; самолёт; фото- или электронной разведки Киселев) |
pharma. |
чистый для анализа (ч.д.а.; R Reagent Grade) = GR Guaranteed Reagent) = AR Analytical grade) = PA Pure for Analysis) = чистый для анализа proz.com ochernen) |
progr. |
Язык программирования (для статистической обработки данных и работы с графикой Wilder Wein); Язык программирования R (для статистической обработки данных и работы с графикой Wilder Wein) |
sport. |
правая сторона |
wareh. |
период между заказами (review period) |
yacht. |
гоночный балл яхты; число Рейнольдса |
gen. |
зарегистрированный товарный знак (условное обозначение, которое ставится после названия продукта и указывает на то, что данное название является собственностью фирмы • Предупредительные знаки R, ®, ТМ) |
auto. |
вправо; справа |
brit. |
царствующая королева (regina, rex) |
law |
корона (criminal cases begin with the letter R as in R v Smith [1959] 2 QB 36, the R stands for Regina when the action is being taken by the crown. In a civil case involving the crown, the crown is shown as The Queen 4uzhoj); дело по обвинению короны (т.е. государства) против такого-то) |
avia. |
автоматическое зависимое наблюдение в режиме повторного вещания (MichaelBurov); зависимое наблюдение в режиме повторного вещания (MichaelBurov); АЗН-повторное вещание (MichaelBurov) |
media. |
представитель Республиканцев (США) (напр., R-Indiana JessicaK) |
O&G, sakh. |
микрорентген в час |
единица рентгеновского или гамма-излучения R [ɑ:] abbr. | |
tech. |
рентген (MichaelBurov) |
amer. |
Компания запасов металла (одно из гос. учреждений, созданных в период проведения администрацией Ф. Д. Рузвельта `НОВОГО КУРСА`, т.н. "алфавитных ведомств" Aly19) |
microbiol. |
Усиленная клостридиальная среда (Reinforces Clostridial Medium Дюнан) |
gen. |
высотная опорная геодезической сеть (Voledemar) |
chem. |
повторяемость (Zhelezniakova) |
dril. |
радиус (radius); река (river) |
genet. |
кольцевая хромосома (символ, используемый в цитогенетике человека; при написании формулы соматического кариотипа dimock) |
inf. |
арифметика (reading, (w)riting, (a)rithmetic); письмо |
pharma. |
ритонавир (фармакокинетический усилитель elena.sklyarova1985) |
tech. |
к. |
construct. |
радиус |
English thesaurus |
abbr., auto. |
headlamp left (right); Redwood Second; replace; resume; radiator |
abbr. |
railroad; recipe; residence; forcing function; R reference point (ISDN); Radiancy; Rebill; ready; rector; relative; rubber; Restricted (Movie rating); combined hormonal vaginal ring; aspect ratio; compressive ratio; electrical resistance; Formal Report; molecular refraction; radiant emission; radiant flux density; radiology; radioactive range; Réaumur scale; recruit; regulator; regulating; republic; resistance moment; résistance à la rupture; resultant force; Rockwell hardness; Romania; Rome; room; rupee; Russia; Russian; specific resistance; stress ratio; röntgen (roentgen); multiple correlation coefficient; rough colony |
abbr., agric. |
reactive; rough; refrigerator |
abbr., agrochem. |
rock |
abbr., anim.husb. |
repeatability |
abbr., astr. |
rayleigh |
abbr., auto. |
Racing |
abbr., automat. |
register; relation; reject |
abbr., avia. |
Restricted Area (MichaelBurov); radar; received; restricted area; right; reconnaissance aircraft; rotary wing; ramp; receiving; redline; rejection; release; replaceable; retest; revision; rework; risk; rudder; yaw rate |
abbr., avia., Canada |
radial |
abbr., biol. |
arginine; respiration |
abbr., busin. |
radiogram; rebate; reduced class rate less then normal rate; reduce; registered trademark; registration; registry; relay; rent; respondent; revised |
abbr., cartogr. |
rapid; red; rapids |
abbr., chem. |
alkyl radical; Reynolds number; ring fusion; univalent hydrocarbon radical |
abbr., commer. |
ratio; rand; refrigeration; rouble |
abbr., construct. |
render |
abbr., dril. |
ratio; ram preventer |
abbr., earth.sc. |
degree Rankine; hydrocarbon radical; radar range; radioactive; rapid return; real numbers; reflection; registered trade mark; resinite; resultant; retinite; reunion; reversed; Rhode; rhyolite; riebeckite; Riss glaciation; river beds; roentgenology; roentgen unit; roll; room temperature; rough cut; royal; ruble; runoff; rutile; specific rotation; tertiary system; rate (miles per hour) |
abbr., econ. |
rough machine |
abbr., el. |
resistance; radar; radiolocation; readability; reception; rectifier; reduction; reengineering; reluctancy; remark; replacement; request; resist; responsivity; right circularly polarized; rosin; router; row; slant range |
abbr., electr.eng. |
resistor |
abbr., fishery |
recruitment to the exploitable phase |
abbr., foreig.aff. |
effective calculating rate |
abbr., genet. |
receptor; receptor site |
abbr., geol. |
Riphean (MichaelBurov); Riphean Era (MichaelBurov); Riphean era (MichaelBurov); Riphean age (MichaelBurov); Riphean time (MichaelBurov); the Riphean (MichaelBurov); Riphaean (MichaelBurov); the Riphaean (MichaelBurov); Riphaean era (MichaelBurov); Riphean erathem (MichaelBurov); Riphaean erathem (MichaelBurov); Riphean epoch (MichaelBurov); Riphaean epoch (MichaelBurov); Riphaean age (MichaelBurov); Riphaean time (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., IT |
reset; resistor; reverse; right; restart |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Random |
abbr., math. |
R |
abbr., med. |
In Electrocardiography, The First Positive Deflection During The QRS Complex (wave); Residual Tumor After Treatment; gas constant (8.315 joules); organic radical; Reamur (scale); take; resistance determinant (plasmid); resolution; respiratory (exchange ratio); pulmonary resistance; radium; ramus; registrar; regulator gene; rejection factor; relaxation; remotum; reproduction; resection; resistant; respiratory exchange ratio; "Restricted"; ribs; Rickettsia; rough variant |
abbr., med., conv.notation. |
far point of vision; ohm |
abbr., met. |
roughing stand; reduction rate |
abbr., mil. |
railroad; routine |
abbr., mil., WMD |
remote (Переключатель управления); remote control |
abbr., mining. |
regulations; rood |
abbr., nucl.phys. |
reactor |
abbr., oil |
current or producing gas/oil ratio; electrical resistivity; Reaumur (scale); rock bit; recovery; reflection coefficient; reservoir; running; universal gas constant; rad; radial flow hydraulics; radioactive mineral; radiolaria; railway; Rankine Scale; rays; read; Reaumur scale; receive; Recent; record; reductant; Redwood seconds; reef; reflectance; reflectivity; region; resistivity; retarder; reverseed; reverse fault; revolution; Reynold's number; ridge; right angle; ring; riser; Riss; rivet; road; rocks; rod; rolled; rotor; rough sea; rounded; rule; South Africa Rand; Tajik Rube |
abbr., opt. |
Rankine |
abbr., pharm. |
rifampicin (рифампицин Dimpassy) |
abbr., physiol. |
Reach; Relaxed |
abbr., pigeon.race. |
Red |
abbr., polym. |
radius; radical; registered; Rydberg constant; reflux ratio; regular; rotary |
abbr., psychol. |
reasoning factor |
abbr., qual.cont. |
rejection number |
abbr., refrig. |
refrigerant |
abbr., scottish |
Romeo (phonetic alphabet); Time zone 67.5 W - 82.5 W (GMT +5) |
abbr., soil. |
rolling |
abbr., sport. |
ranking; runs |
abbr., tech. |
abreviatura de radius; marca para el papel ligeramente averiado de las resmas; search radius; Roentgen (MichaelBurov); rebated |
abbr., telecom. |
recaU; repeater |
abbr., water.suppl. |
Correlation Coefficient |
cinema |
A certificate issued by the MPAA indicating that persons under the age of 16 would only be admitted when accompanied by an adult. The age was later raised to under 17 years old, and varies in some jurisdictions. See also NC-17, PG-13. |
energ.ind., abbr. |
dose rate; forcing function; radical; range; reverse; roentgen |
int.transport. |
reduced class rate (rate classification) |
invest., abbr. |
registered name |
IT, abbr. |
are |
meteorol., abbr. |
rain; reconnaissance; red; reduced; repairs; repetition; report; rescue party; return; river; rocket; runway |
mil. |
research |
mil., abbr. |
radiation; radio; radioactivity; radiological; radiotelegram; railhead; railroad, railway; range; rank; rate; ration; rationing; reaction; rear; receiver; recoilless; recoverable; recruiting; reference; regiment; regimental; regulation; reinforcement; reliability; repair; repairable; replaceability; report; representative; reserve; residence; response; restricted; retired, retiree; review; reward; rifle; rifled; rimmed; rocket; round-nose; route; runner |
tech. |
acknowledge receipt; angle of reflection |
tech., abbr. |
acoustic resistance; correlation coefficient; gas constant; heavy self-reversed; production rate; radial distance; reconnaissance; reddish; refraction; rehydratable food; relative humidity; reluctance; repetition; result; rotational quantum number; slightly self-reversed |
abbr. |
resistance moment; rear; red; revolution; road; rock; range (yds, yards); rex; regina; King; Queen |
abbr., commer. |
Rhodesia Dollar; rateable value; receipt voucher; revised version |
abbr., earth.sc. |
radial; ratio; Reaumur; reducing; river; rock bit |
abbr., econ. |
response; railway; registered |
abbr., insur. |
Ruble (s) |
abbr., lat. |
Refrigerio ("in refreshment"); Requiescit ("he rests"); Responsorium (Responsory Breviary); Roma ("Rome") |
abbr., law |
The Reports |
abbr., libr. |
reference; registration; Russia; Russian; retree |
abbr., met. |
rolled |
abbr., mining. |
radius; refractive index; repair; resistance; radioactivity; reef; ruble |
abbr., oil |
reaming |
abbr., textile |
degree Reaumur |
law |
register |
law, abbr. |
respondent; rule |
railw. |
refrigerator car |
wood. |
rip saws for timber |
abbr. |
Rankine temperature |
abbr., med. |
positive reaction; Rinne's test positive (hearing test result) |
abbr., refrig. |
degree Rankine |
abbr., tech. |
Reaumur |
abbr., earth.sc. |
redwood seconds |
abbr., libr. |
right hand |
abbr., med. |
negative reaction; Rinne's test negative (hearing test result) |
abbr. |
Redwood seconds |
abbr., libr. |
received text |
abbr., med. |
In Electrocardiography, The Second Positive Deflection During The QRS Complex |
abbr., med. |
АЧТВ-отношение (Lifestruck) |
abbr., med. |
microroentgen |
abbr., oil |
Real |
abbr. |
rare; recipe; repairable locally; repeat; round table; specific gas constant; transfer resistance |
abbr., avia. |
angular velocity of body-axis system about Z-axis |
abbr., busin. |
receipt; reply; reprint |
abbr., earth.sc. |
compression ratio; rim; rydberg |
abbr., math. |
radius vector of co-ordinate |
abbr., med. |
c capacito; "racemic"; relapse; ring chromosome |
abbr., med., conv.notation. |
instantaneous population growth |
abbr., oil |
real; residual; retired; run |
agric. |
rain |
cartogr. |
rock |
insur. |
Received |
polym. |
racemic; rubbery |
abbr. |
compressive ratio; rare; read; refrigerator; revised; regnant (Vosoni); rhombohedral; rough; rubber |
abbr., earth.sc. |
racemic; reaction; reluctance; right; rod; roentgen |
abbr., econ. |
receipt; reception; rate; rent; rouble; rupee |
abbr., electric. |
rheostat |
abbr., libr. |
recto; review; roubles; book. reference book |
abbr., mech.eng. |
run |
mining. |
repair labour |
abbr. |
roll right angular acceleration |
abbr. |
yaw right angular acceleration |
abbr. |
backward angular acceleration |
abbr., avia., med. |
roll right angular acceleration |
abbr., avia., med. |
yaw right angular acceleration |
abbr., avia., med. |
backward angular acceleration |
abbr. |
clay content deduced from resistivity |
abbr. |
forward angular acceleration |
abbr. |
roll left angular acceleration |
abbr. |
yaw left angular acceleration |
abbr. |
rate (miles per hour) |
abbr., avia., med. |
forward angular acceleration |
abbr., avia., med. |
roll left angular acceleration |
abbr., avia., med. |
yaw left angular acceleration |
abbr., chem. |
racemic |
abbr., met. |
hot-rolled |
abbr., oil |
clay content deduced from resistivity |
met. |
direct reduction |
met. |
hot-rolled |
abbr., el. |
on-resistance |
met. |
reduction by carbon monoxide |
met. |
reduction by hydrogen |
O&G |
correlation function |