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[læm] n
agric. fătáre f (la oi); de miel; carne de miél
zoot. miél m
ram lamb [læm] n
zoot. berbecúț n
 English thesaurus
LAMB [læm] abbr.
abbr. Lloyds And Midland Boycott; Lame Ass Mother-Fucking Bitch; Look At My Bum
abbr., el. lock at me button
abbr., med. Laminin B (syndrome); Lentigines, Atrial Myxoma, Mucocutaneous Myxomas, Blue Nevi (syndrome)
abbr., mil., avia. light armored motor battery
abbr., relig. Least Among My Brethren; Least Among My Brothers; Love Angel Music Baby
: 28 phrases in 4 subjects
Food industry2
Health care2

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