chem. |
lasca |
chem., el. |
apara; limalha |
comp., MS, Braz. |
chip (" A device consisting of a number of connected circuit elements, such as transistors and resistors, fabricated on a small rectangle (a "die") cut from a silicon (or, in some special cases, a sapphire) wafer. Chips are categorized by the number of elements they contain. ") |
el. |
segmento |
forestr., energ.ind., construct. |
cavaco; estilha; madeira em cavacos; madeira em partículas |
industr., construct., chem. |
pedaço |
IT |
bolacha de sílico; pastilha; micropastilha |
IT, el. |
chipe; circuito integrado; circuito microeletrónico; microcircuito; chip |
pharma., chem. |
enxerto; fragmento |
agric. |
desperdícios de canela |
environ. |
aparas |
industr., construct. |
estilha |
med. |
chipes |
chips cereal products [tʃɪps] n | |
gen. |
flocos de cereais secos |
social.sc. |
dar; meter |
chips integrated circuits [tʃɪps] n | |
gen. |
microplacas circuitos integrados |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Canine Hybrid Information Puppy; Children's Health Insurance Plan; Collaborative Hipaa Implementation Project; Community Housing Improvement Program; L S Capital Corporation; Communications Handbook for Intelligence Planners |
abbr., ed. |
Common Hardware Integrated Platform; Changing The Heart Of Instructional Practices; Citizens Handy Information Program |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Campus Housing Internet Project |
abbr., el. |
character-handling interface processor; chip hermeticity in plastic; chip hermeticity in plastics |
abbr., el., scient. |
Coordinate High Income Portfolio |
abbr., hemat. |
clonal hematopoiesis with indeterminant potential (chuu_totoro) |
abbr., IT |
character-handling interface processor |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Child Hyperactivity and Inattention Project |
abbr., med. |
Child Health Improvement Program; clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential (Rada0414); Catastrophic Health Insurance Plan; Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan; County Health Improvement Program; Children's Health Insurance Program; Children's Hospital Informatics Program; Community Health Information Partnerships; Community Health Improvement Process; Comprehensive Health Insurance Pool |
abbr., mil. |
Continuous Human Improvising Process |
abbr., O&G |
Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply Yeldar Azanbayev) |
abbr., opt. |
chain input pointing |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Cardio Health Improvement Project; Cardiovascular Health Intervention Program; Chromatin Immuno-Precipitation; Coronary Health Improvement Program |
abbr., scottish |
Challenger Improvement Programme |
abbr. |
Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (labunskaya); channel intrinsic protein |
abbr., life.sc. |
chromatin immune-precipitation |
abbr. |
Chipman's Reports |
Canada |
Chipman's Reports, New Brunswick |
abbr., el. |
configurable, highly parallel processors |
abbr., oil |
computer/highway interface package |
abbr., USA |
Children’s Health Insurance Program (Val_Ships) |