comp., MS, Braz. |
pagamento à vista (A currency limited to money) |
fin. |
à vista; liquidez em caixa; liquidez imediatamente disponível |
law |
numerário |
fin. |
receber |
English thesaurus |
gen. |
money in the form of notes/bills and coins, as opposed to cheques/checks or electronic transactions (uncountable • After you bounced those checks last time, they want to be paid in cash. wiktionary.org) |
abbr. |
cashier (Vosoni) |
arch. |
a place where money is kept, or where it is deposited and paid out (countable • This bank […] is properly a general cash, where every man lodges his money. (1787) wiktionary.org • She was said to have amassed a great sum of money for ill use ; 20,000l. are known to be in her cash. (1852)); a money box (countable • This bank […] is properly a general cash, where every man lodges his money. (1787) wiktionary.org • She was said to have amassed a great sum of money for ill use ; 20,000l. are known to be in her cash. (1852)) |
canad. |
cash register (countable wiktionary.org) |
fin. |
liquid assets, money that can be traded quickly (as distinct from assets that are invested and cannot be easily exchanged) (uncountable) • Cash offers a return of virtually zero in many developed countries. wiktionary.org) |
gambl. |
an instance of winning a cash prize (countable wiktionary.org) |
inf. |
money (uncountable • Paying yourself first also implies that you have some understanding of your cash flow, which means that, yes, you must set a budget. wiktionary.org) |
abbr., econ. |
cashier |
abbr. |
Community Accountancy Self Help; Compensation And Accountability To Soaked Homeowners; First Midwest Financial, Inc.; Computer Aided Service Handling (Ashton-Tate); Centralized Access to Supported Housing (в Канаде, помощь бездомным Leonid Dzhepko) |
abbr., avia. |
computer aided system hardware |
abbr., el. |
computer-aided systems hardware |
abbr., med. |
Cancer And Steroid Hormone (study); Cardiac Arrest Study, Hamburg; chemotherapy-associated steatohepatitis (ННатальЯ); Commission for Administrative Services in Hospitals |
abbr., mil., avia. |
computer aided sizing of helicopters |
abbr., psychiat. |
Comprehensive Assesment of Symptoms and History |
abbr., relig. |
The Continental Association Of Satan's Hope |
gen. |
to exchange a check/cheque for money in the form of notes/bills (transitive wiktionary.org) |
cards, slang |
to obtain a payout from a tournament (poker slang wiktionary.org) |
abbr. |
Catalog of Available and Standard Hardware (VasilinaB) |
abbr., oil |
computer-aided system hardware; computer-assisted subject heading |