gen. |
bar m; zasuwać; kostka mydła; zasuwa; zasuwka f; barek zakład gastronomiczny; słupek na wykresie; takt |
agric. |
zawór m; zamknięcie n (np. jazu); belka; dźwigar m; legar; wąwóz m; jar m |
bot. |
czop; kolec m; cierń m |
build.struct. |
wkładka zbrojeniowa |
construct. |
próg denny; poroh; katarakta f; winiarnia f; graniak m; beleczka f |
econ. |
pręt |
el.mach. |
szyna f; przewód szynowy |
el.mot. |
półzezwój m |
environ. |
poprzeczka |
forestr. |
nóż |
meteorol. |
bar m (atmospheric pressure unit, jednostka ciśnienia atmosferycznego) |
nautic. |
plycizna; ławica piaskowa |
survey. |
łata f; przymiar |
tech. |
rygiel m |
law |
palestra f |
gen. |
krata osłona z prętów |
gen. |
baton m |
gen. |
zasuwać zasuwę; bronić zabraniać; kratować; ryglować; zagradzać |
agric. |
parów |
gen. |
barowy |
construct. |
prętowy; sworzniowy; trzpieniowy; rdzeniowy |
English thesaurus |
law |
all of the lawyers qualified to practice law in a given state |
abbr. |
Barbados; Baroda |
abbr. |
barite |
abbr., busin. |
barleycorn; barrister |
abbr., med. |
barometrical |
abbr., oil |
barite; baritic; Barlow lime; barye |
abbr. |
Bringing About Reform; British Accreditation Research; Buy A Rum |
abbr., auto. |
baseband radar (sensor); Bureau of Automotive Repair |
abbr., avia. |
barometric altitude rate; bleed air regulator; budget adjustment report; bombing and reconnaissance |
abbr., busin. |
business area review (Sintey) |
abbr., inet. |
Beyond All Recognition |
abbr., IT |
Base Address Register; Compressed file archive; Horizontal bar menu object file |
abbr., logist. |
Beijing Adjustment Rules |
abbr., med. |
biological alcohol research |
abbr., media. |
Broadcast Advertisers Report |
abbr., mil. |
bomber aviation regiment; Browning Automatic Rifle; Browning Automatic Rifleman |
abbr., physiol., med. |
Body Alarm Reaction; Bright Alert And Responsive |
abbr., railw. |
Bangor and Aroostook Railroad Company |
abbr., scient. |
Brown And Root |
abbr., sport. |
Bloody Awful Racing |
law |
All of the lawyers qualified to practice law. For example, a state bar includes all of the lawyers qualified to practice law in that state |
polym. |
barometer |
abbr. |
barometrical |
abbr., dril. |
barrel; barometer |
abbr., earth.sc. |
barometric; barye |
abbr., scient. |
barometer barometrical |
gen. |
Burn After Reading (После прочтения сжечь tadzhmakhal) |
abbr. |
Bureau of Aeronautics representative; British Accreditation Registry; Board of Appeals and Review; British Army Review; Broadcast Advertisers Reports; Broadcast Advertising Reports (Lena Nolte); browning automatic rifle |
abbr., comp., net., IT |
Broadband Access Router |
abbr., drug.name |
Barbiturates |
abbr., el. |
back-up, archive and recovery management; basic address register; basic area reliability; bonding by atomic rearrangement technique; bottom antireflection (layer); bus address register |
abbr., file.ext. |
Buffer Address Register; Compressed file archive; Horizontal bar menu object file |
abbr., hotels |
Best Available Rate (igisheva) |
abbr., IT |
base address register |
abbr., med. |
bile acid resin (секвестрант желчных кислот Dimpassy) |
abbr., mil. |
Beyond All Repair |
abbr., nucl.pow. |
bundle of absorbing rods (lxu5) |
abbr., oil |
Babinet absorption rule; barrels acid residue; butyl acetyl ricinoleate; buy American restriction; barrels of acid residue |
abbr., physiol. |
Bright, Alert, and Responsive |
abbr., risk.man. |
broadly acceptable risk (Wysota) |
abbr., scottish |
Broad Area Review |
abbr., sport. |
British American Racing |
mil. |
battery acquisition radar; budget adjustment request |
tech. |
bank address register; beyond all recognition |
abbr. |
barrage; barrel; barrier; barrister |
abbr., earth.sc. |
barometer |
abbr., mil. |
bln barrage balloon |
dril. |
barometric |
polym. |
barometrical |