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noun | verb | to phrases
ghost [gəust] n
gen. duch m; upiór m
comp., MS widmo n (An abandoned or no-longer-maintained Web site that remains accessible to visitors); duplikować (To produce a duplicate, such as duplicating an application in memory)
radio zjawy w telewizji
vac.tub. zjawa odbiciowa
ghosts n
anal.chem. duchy m (in a spectrum)
little ghost [gəust] n
gen. duszek m
ghosting ['ɡǝʊstɪŋ] v
comp., MS duplikowanie (The process of turning a regular file-backed item into a ghosted item)
 English thesaurus
ghost [gəust] abbr.
abbr., product. General Hardware-Oriented System Transfer (Hallo)
GHOST [gəust] abbr.
abbr. Goal Hierarchy and Objectives Structuring Technique (TUB)
abbr., el. general hardware oriented system
abbr., IT General Hardware Oriented System Transfer
abbr., oil gas holdup optical sensor tool
abbr., opt. global horizontal and sounding technique
abbr., progr., IT General Hardware Oriented Software Transfer
ecol. Global Horizontal Sounding Technique
tech. graphical output system
GHOST Schlumberger [gəust] abbr.
abbr. Gas Holdup Optical Sensor Tool Schlumberger (MichaelBurov)
GHOSTS abbr.
abbr., progr., IT Genealogy Helper Open Source Tracking Software
: 14 phrases in 8 subjects
Immigration and citizenship1
Life sciences1

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