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['delɪgeɪt] adj.
comp., MS ପ୍ରତିନିଧି (Someone granted permission to access items or perform functions on another user's behalf)
 English thesaurus
delegate ['delɪgeɪt] abbr.
abbr. del
mil., logist. To confide authority, and hence the power to decide according to the delegated tasks in order to reach an objective, to another person. Tasks are only means to reach the objective. It is the objective which gives its meaning to the delegation. Ordering tasks to be carried out is not delegating. To delegate means: 1. to define clear limits and clarify the delegated powers, 2. to negotiate with the agent and not to impose; 3. to accept to fully give the power; 4. to control afterwards; 5. to give the agent the necessary authority; 6. not to intervene, except to take the delegation back; 7. to accept that errors can be made; 9. to remain responsible. (FRA)

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