comp., MS |
एए (A software technique for smoothing the jagged appearance of curved or diagonal lines caused by poor resolution on a display screen. Methods of anti-aliasing include surrounding pixels with intermediate shades and manipulating the size and horizontal alignment of the pixels) |
English thesaurus |
abbr., law |
appropriate adult (законные представители – родители, усыновители, опекуны или попечители несовершеннолетнего подозреваемого, обвиняемого либо потерпевшего, представители учреждений или организаций, на попечении которых находится несовершеннолетний подозреваемый, обвиняемый либо потерпевший, органы опеки и попечительства: Федеральный закон от 04.07.2003 N 92-ФЗ consultant.ru MariaSNR) |
abbr. |
Afar; Affirmative Action; An Agency; Ann Arbor; As Amended; Alternative Armies; Addis Ababa; Aluminum Association; laminated asbestos fabric; second class (grade AA); Abbreviated Analysis; Absolute Anarchy; Academic Affairs; Academic Alliance; Academy Award; Acceptance And Action; accompanied by adults (о фильме, на который пускают только вместе с родителями Anglophile); Accreditation Authority; Accredited Appraiser; Acquired Attributes; Active Active; Active Annual; Active Page; Activities And Attitudes; Activity Approach; Adaptive Algorithm; Addictions Anonymous; Adjustable Arms; Adjusted Allotment; Adjusting Appendix; Administrative Assistants; Administrative Authority; Adult Accompaniment; Advanced Alloy; Advanced Articulators Toastmasters Club; Advanced Auditing; Adverse Action; Advertising Association; Affirmative Action committee; Affordability Analysis; Against Actuals; Agile Access; Air Abrasion; Air Almanac; Air Attache; Airbus Always; Alan Alexander; Alaska Airlines; Alcoa, Inc.; Alcoholic Acting; Alcoholics Arise; Algorithmic Architecture; All Age; Allied Affairs; Allied Command, Atlantic; Alpha Alpha; Alpha Alumni; Alternate Advancement; Always Aground; Always Available; Amarillo Area Office (DOE); Amazon Alliance; Amd Assured; AMD Athlon processor; America's Answer; American Archaeology; American Army; American Arrogance; American Atheists; Americans Anonymous; Amino Acrylate; Amyloid Associated; Anal Aneurism; Anal Attack; Analysis Assistant; Anaplastic Anaemia; Anatomical Adaptation; Anchor Assembly; Ancient Arts; Angelus Academy; Angle Angle; Anglo-American; Ann Arbor Railroad; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Anonymous Amigo; Another Ah; Anti Alias; Anti Aliasing; Anti Apostle; Anti- Armor; Apache Anne; Appointing Authority; Aptitude Area; Arakan Army; Arch Angel; Archaic Academy; Architectural Association; Argument Analysis; Armor Attachment; Armored Ambulance; Armoured Assault; Army Act; Army Air; Arrogant Assholes; Artistic Aerobatics; ASCII Art; Asian Affairs (наименование японского периодического издания по экономическим вопросам Углов); Assassins Anonymous; Assets Accounting (ННатальЯ); assigned amount (официальный термин в Киотском протоколе Leonid Dzhepko); Assistance Administration; Assistant Adjutant; Assistant Administrator; Associate in Accounting; Associate Of Arts; Association Of Assholes; Astokh Asset (SEIC ABelonogov); Astronomical Applications; Astronomy Astrophysics; Athens News Agency (Афинское информационное агентство (Греция) Углов); Atlantic Assembly; Attitude Adjustment; Attract Attention; Australian Army; Author's Addition; Automated Anvil; Automatic Adjust; Automatic Analyzer; Automatic Answer; Automobile Association; Avenue of Approach; Average Attendance; Average Audience; Aviation Annex; Awaiting Activation; Awful Awful; The Atlantic Alliance; Of each Ana; Antiaircraft Artillery; author's alternations; absolute abstinence; acronym abuse; anti aircrafts; clerical assistant |
abbr., account. |
age allowance; annual allowance (Ying) |
abbr., adv. |
account assistant |
abbr., agric. |
acetic acid; acrylic acid; ammonium acetate; ascorbic acid |
abbr., anat. |
angular artery (ННатальЯ); aortic arch (Баян); aortic area (igisheva) |
abbr., astronaut. |
Adaptive Automation |
abbr., austral. |
Australian Academy of Science |
abbr., auto. |
auto alarm; auto advertisement; the Automobile Association |
abbr., automat. |
arithmetical average |
abbr., avia. |
airworthiness authorities (Interex); all after; announced address; arrival approved; accelerated assemblies; advertise and award; air carrier; airport analysis; alert availability; alternate aerodrome (airport); altitude acquire; airport approach; autopilot annunciator; accelerated assembly; administrative agreement; advisory area; aerospace auditor; air alignment; alarm assignment; allowance allocation; alternate assembly; altitude alert; aluminum alloy; American Airline; Apollo application; assembly accuracy; associate administrator; auto-alarm; automated approach; American Airlines Inc. |
abbr., avia., med. |
achievement age |
abbr., biol. |
algestone acetophenide |
abbr., BrE |
Automobile Association (Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. 9 500 единиц / А.Р.У. Рум, Л.В. Колесников, Г.А. Пасечник и др. - М.: Рус. яз., 1978 Alexandra Tolmatschowa); Alcoholics Anonymous (Великобритания: Лингвострановедческий словарь. - М.: Рус. яз., 1978 Alexandra Tolmatschowa) |
abbr., busin. |
Advertising Agency; after arrival; Aid Account; all along; aminoacid; Australia; automatic approval; Automatic Approval (System); grade AA |
abbr., cartogr. |
approximate alignment |
abbr., chem. |
Australia antigen |
abbr., chem., scient. |
Atomic Absorption |
abbr., cinema |
All Ages |
abbr., commer. |
second grade |
abbr., corp.gov. |
allotment advice |
abbr., cryo. |
Anthropogenic Aerosol |
abbr., earth.sc. |
active anthracite; affected areas; alluvial aquifer; Aluminium Association; Aluminium Company of America; Analytical Abstracts; Anglo-American Corp.; anisyl acetone; Antarctic Area; anthranilic acid; aphyric andesite; Asia & Africa; atomic absorption spectrophotometry; auroral absorption; Austroalpine nappe; azimuth anisotropy |
abbr., econ. |
Aluminum company of America; against actual |
abbr., el. |
absolute addressing; absolute assembly; access adapter; access agent; active addressing; active area; adapter assembly; address array; analog adder; angle of arrival; arithmetic address; auditorium acoustics; auto alignment; auto attendant; automatic alarm; automatic answering |
abbr., electr.eng. |
amplitude analyzer; dry-type self-cooled transformer |
abbr., EU. |
association agreement |
abbr., file.ext. |
Auto Answer |
abbr., fin. |
active account; active asset |
abbr., health., med. |
Application As |
abbr., inet. |
Ask About |
abbr., inf. |
Almost Airborne |
abbr., IT |
adaptive antenna |
abbr., journ. |
author's alterations |
abbr., law |
Articles of Association (spanishru) |
abbr., math., scient. |
Almost All |
abbr., med. |
Academy Of Aphasia; Acetic Acid; Active Avoidance; Acupuncture Analgesia; Acute Appendicitis; Adenine Arabinoside; Adenylic Acid; Adjuvant Arthritis; Adrenal Androgen; Adrenocortical Autoantibody; African American; Aggregated Albumin; bacterial Aggregative Adherence; Agranulocytic Angina; Alcohol Abuse; Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcooliques Anonymes. Alcohólicos Anónimos; Allergic Alveolitis; Alopecia Areata; Alveolo-arterial; Aminoacetone; Amino Acid; Aminoacyl; Amyloid A; Alzheimer's Association; Arteries (Lat. Arteriae); Anesthesiologist Assistant; Arachidonic Acid; aplastic anaemia (MichaelBurov); aplastic anemia (MichaelBurov); abdominal aorta (брюшная аорта Dimpassy); anaesthetic agent (harser); aortic atresia (атрезия аорты Dimpassy); atrial appendage (ушко предсердия Dimpassy); Alcoholics Anonymous (MichaelBurov); Al-Anon (MichaelBurov); acupunctural analgesia; allele; amino acids; amyloid albumin; antiandrogens; ascending aorta; Association of Anesthetists |
abbr., med., amer. |
alveolar-arterial |
abbr., med., lat. |
ana |
abbr., meteorol. |
anti-agglomerate (Yakov); air annealed |
abbr., mil. |
Administrative Assistant; America's Army; acting assistant; air-to-air; antiaircraft; Armoured Ambulance (qwarty); assessment agent; avenue of approach; army aviation |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
acquisition aid; autoacquisition (radar) |
abbr., mil., WMD |
Atomic absorption |
abbr., nautic. |
Accounting Authority (расчетная организация (за радиоуслуги) Morning93); Always Afloat |
abbr., oil |
after acidizing; author's alteration; spectrometry (method of chemical analysis); alkaline agent; absolute alcohol; acetaldehyde ammonia; acetaldehyde-ammonia condensate; acetic anhydride; acetylacetone; adaptive amplifier; after aging; Akron abrasion loss; alkali andesite; always safe afloat; amino-acid; aminoacid analyzer; amplitude anomaly; analysis of accounts; angular agmatite; annual average; approximate absolute temperature scale; arachidic eicosanoic acid; Atomic Age; author's alterations; autoalarm; autoanalyzer |
abbr., opt. |
angular aperture |
abbr., physiol. |
Abdominal Aorta; African-American; Anal Aneurysm; Aspenice Anesthesiology |
abbr., physiol., med. |
African- American; Of Each |
abbr., polit. |
Aruba |
abbr., polym. |
allyl alcohol |
abbr., post |
Armed Forces Americas (Префикс военной почты для Америки Yakov) |
abbr., progr. |
access authorisation (ssn); access authorization (ssn); adaptive architecture (ssn) |
abbr., qual.cont. |
arithmetic average |
abbr., scient. |
Astronomy and Astrophysics; ack-ack |
abbr., scottish |
Active Adjunct (sonar); Air Adviser (UK Royal Air Force); Aluminum Association (USA); Anti-Aircraft; Armature Accelerator |
abbr., space |
acquisition aiding; air abort; air to air; Allied Command Atlantic (NATO); angle of attack; any acceptable; artificial antenna; automatic approach |
abbr., sport. |
All American; All Around; all-around; athletic association |
abbr., telecom. |
Automated Attendant (Alexxxa) |
abbr., transp. |
American Airlines |
Apollo-Soyuz |
Air-air communication |
energ.ind. |
accident analysis; advance angle; air-assisted; ambient air; angular acceleration; antihunt action; antiproton accumulator (ring); atmospheric absorption; atomizing air; authorized access; authorized activity; azimuthal angle |
meteorol. |
absolute altitude; anti-air-craft |
mil. |
Atlantic area; absolute address; access authorization; achieved availability; acting appointment; activation analysis; administrative assistant; aerosol analyzer; affected area; air ambulance; air armament; airborne alert; airman apprentice; amphibious assault; antiaircraft artillery; approving authority; armament artificer; arming assembly; army artillery; arrival angle; artificial aerial; assembly area; atmospheric applications; attack assessment; authorized allowance; autoacquisition |
tech. |
abbreviated addressing; absolute assembler; accelerometer assembly; access address; acrylamide; additional absorber; additional air; aero-assisted (mode); airplane avionics; analog amplifier; angular accelerometer; antenna array; aperiodic antenna; Apollo applications; apparent absorption; approximate absolute; audible alarm; auto acquisition; auto acquisition radar; autopilot amplifier; auxiliary air; laminate asbestos fabric |
wood. |
straight teeth |
abbr. |
American Anthropologist (наименование американского периодического издания по вопросам антропологии Углов) |
abbr. |
directly controlled company (Alina-2010) |
abbr., hydroel.st. |
aa lava |
abbr., med. |
of each; arteries; G. ana of each (USED in prescriptions) |
chem. |
amino acid (Михелёв) |
O&G |
as above (andrushin) |
abbr. |
attoampere; abampere |
abbr. |
High School Airman Apprentice (младший рядовой авиации ВМС со средним образованием Углов) |
abbr. |
Press Agency |
abbr., med. |
arteries |
abbr., oil |
acetaldehyde |