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comp., MS mih (The number of bits transmitted every second, used as a measure of the speed at which a device, such as a modem, can transfer data)
 English thesaurus
BPS abbr.
abbr., med. Bone and plaque subtraction (iwona)
bps abbr.
abbr. base pairs (Conservator); bits/second (data processing)
abbr., comp. Bits-Per-Second
abbr., econ. basic points
abbr., telecom. bits per second (unit for transmission speed)
EBRD basis points
O&G bit per second
BPS abbr.
abbr. Berkeley Preparatory School; Boston Public Schools; Building Planning System; Business Planning and Simulation; Business Process Simulation; Bytes Per Second; Basic Psychological Operations Study; Beachman Processing System; bearing procurement; Big Piece Of Shit; British Pound Sterling (Alexander Demidov); Broken Pekoe Souchong; Bullshit Per Second; binary program space; bidding processing system; basal portion of stalk
abbr., account. balance per bank statement
abbr., auto. bits per second (bit/s); back pressure sensor; boost-pressure sensor; barometric pressure sensor; bladder pressure sensor; brake pedal switch; bus priority system; brake fluid pressure switch
abbr., avia. Porto Seguro, Buenos Aires, Brazil; Boeing part specification; bearing procurement specification; bleed pressure sensor; Boeing parts specification; Boeing parts standards; Boeing petroleum service; Boeing process specification; bulk processing subsystem
abbr., comp., net., IT Bad Packet Summary
abbr., dent.impl. bone platform switching (– using inward bone ring in the coronal part of the implant that is in continuity with the alveolar bone crest MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. British photogrammetric Society
abbr., el. backward production systems; belief propagation system; biphase space; blank picture signal; broadcast packet switching; business professional system; bus priority structure
abbr., el.gen. bulk power system
abbr., file.ext. Basic Programming System; Batch Processing System; Text document backup (MS Works)
abbr., fin. basis point
abbr., IT Baud Per Second; Bites Per Second; Text document backup
abbr., med. Behavioral Pharmacological Society; Belgian Pain Society; Board Of Pharmaceutical Specialties; Brain Protein Solvent; British Pharmacological Society; British Psychological Society; Systolic Blood Pressure; Behavioural pain score (Анастасия_О); biophysical profile score (harser); Bureau of Product Safety (FDA); behavioral pain scale (Evgenia Myo)
abbr., media. The Bob And Paul Show
abbr., met. breakout prevention system
abbr., mil. Battlefield Planning System; Browning Pump Shotgun; Bullets Per Second
abbr., mil., avia. base postal section
abbr., O&G. tech. booster pipeline pumping station (MichaelBurov); BCS (MichaelBurov); booster compressor station (MichaelBurov); booster pump station (MichaelBurov)
abbr., oil Baltic Pipeline System (MichaelBurov); baltic pipeline system (serz); standard bridge plug service; beacon processing system; benchmark portability system; bridge plug setting; Building Permits Survey; bulk petrol storage; bulk processing subsystem
abbr., psychol. behavioral pattern separation
abbr., psychother. biopsychosocial (soulveig)
abbr., securit. basis point spread
abbr., space bistable phosphor storage
abbr., st.exch. Blackrock Pennsylvania Strategic Municipal Trust
abbr., textile body protection system
mil. balanced pressure system; ballistic protective shelter; base postal section; basic programming support; border patrol sector; border patrol station
tech. beacon portable set; Beijing proton synchrotron; bipolar power supply; boost phase surveillance; breakpoint switch; buffer pool size; buoy power supply

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