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comp., MS ЦГИ (A server-side interface for initiating software services. For example, a set of interfaces that describe how a Web server communicates with software on the same computer. Any software can be a CGI program if it handles input and output according to the CGI standard)
 English thesaurus
CGI abbr.
abbr. Command Gateway Interface (Vosoni); Computer Graphics International (Conference)
abbr., adv. computer graphic imaging
abbr., anim.husb. Credit Guarantee Institution
abbr., astr. coronagraphic instrument (Alex_Odeychuk)
abbr., auto. stratified-charged gasoline injection; carbon granule globe iron
abbr., avia. Cape Girardeau, Missouri USA; computer generated generation imaging (images)
abbr., BrE chief gunnery instructor; common gateway interface
abbr., busin. corrugated galvanized iron
abbr., cinema computer-generated imagery (wikipedia.org)
abbr., commun. Cell Global Identification
abbr., comp., IT Computer Graphics Interface
abbr., comp.graph. Computer-generated imager (the application of computer graphics to create or contribute to images Val_Ships)
abbr., cryptogr. common gate interface
abbr., earth.sc. computer generated imagery systems
abbr., el. common gateway interface; color graphics interface; Compugraphics International Ltd.; cruise guidance indicator
abbr., electr.eng. compressed gas insulation
abbr., food.ind. Come And Get It
abbr., inet. Can't Get It
abbr., IT Cell Global Identity; Common Gateway Interface script; computer generated imaging; computer graphic interface
abbr., med. Clinical Global Impression; computer generated imagery (system); cephaloglycin
abbr., med.appl. computer-graphics interface
abbr., meteorol. Computer-generated imagery (Val_Ships)
abbr., mil. Computer Generated Imagery; Coast Guard Intelligence
abbr., mil., avia. compass gyro indicator
abbr., mil., WMD combustion gas indicator
abbr., oil compressed gas insulated (transmission); crest gas injection; cumulative gas injection
abbr., progr. computer generated images (ssn); computer-generated imagery (ssn); common gateway interface (ssn)
abbr., progr., IT Computer Generated Images
abbr., psychiat. Clinical Global Impressions (Пахно Е.А.)
abbr., space computer generated image
abbr., st.exch. Commerce Group, Inc., of Massachusetts
abbr., tech. Clean Gas Induction (Caterpillar, технология впуска чистого воздуха в двигателях ACERT sega_tarasov)
cinema The use of computer graphics to create or enhance special effects.
mil. chief ground instructor
mil., abbr. computer-generated image
oil, abbr. combustible gas indicator
tech. computer-generated image display
tech., abbr. commercial-grade item; computer-generated imagery; cruise guide indicator
Игорь Миг, abbr., met. Compacted Graphite Iron

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