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comp., MS АКИ (A certificate extension used by the certificate chaining engine to determine what certificate was used to sign a presented certificate. The AKI can contain the issuer name, serial number, public key information, or no information at all. By matching the information in a certificate's AKI extension to a CA certificate's Subject Key Identifier (SKI) extension, a certificate chain can be built)
 English thesaurus
AKI abbr.
abbr., auto. anti-knock index; antiknock index
abbr., avia. Akiak, Alaska USA
abbr., hung.lang. Research Institute fir Agricultural Economics (Смешинка)
abbr., med. acute kidney injury (острое повреждение почек || Acute kidney injury is a rapid decrease in renal function over days to weeks, causing an accumulation of nitrogenous products in the blood (azotemia) with or without reduction in amount of urine output. It often results from inadequate renal perfusion due to severe trauma, illness, or surgery but is sometimes caused by a rapidly progressive, intrinsic renal disease. Symptoms may include anorexia, nausea, and vomiting. Seizures and coma may occur if the condition is untreated. Fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base disorders develop quickly. Diagnosis is based on laboratory tests of renal function, including serum creatinine. Urinary indices, urinary sediment examination, and often imaging and other tests (including sometimes a kidney biopsy) are needed to determine the cause. Treatment is directed at the cause but also includes fluid and electrolyte management and sometimes dialysis. msdmanuals.com Dimpassy)
abbr., physiol. Acute Kidney Injury
abbr., transp. Anti Knock Index
Aki abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Akita

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