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comp., MS АИА (A certificate extension that contains information useful for verifying the trust status of a certificate, as defined by the 2008 Memo of the Network Working Group. This information potentially includes Uniform Resource Locations (URLs) where the issuing CA's certificate can be retrieved, as well as a location of an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) responder configured to provide status for the certificate in question)
 English thesaurus
AIA abbr.
abbr. Anime In Action; Annual In Advance; Archaeological Institute of America; ACE Intelligence Architecture; ACE Interface Architecture; Aeroplane Industries Association; Aerospace Industry Association; Aircraft Industrial Association (Vosoni); Aircraft Industries Association; American Importers Association; American Institute of Aeronautics; American Insurance Association; Application Integration Architecture; the American Institute of Architects; airborne interception of aircraft
abbr., agric. Automatic Irrigation Assembly
abbr., anim.husb. acid insoluble ash
abbr., archit., scient. American Institute of Architects
abbr., auto. Automobile Importers of America; Automotive Industries Association; Automobile Importer of America
abbr., automat. Aerospace Industries Association (ssn)
abbr., avia. Alliance, Nebraska USA; Airbus industries Asia; advanced information architecture; American Inventors Association; Association of International Accountants; aviation industries association
abbr., comp., net. Apple Integration Architecture
abbr., dipl. The Aleut International Association (Pashtigo5)
abbr., earth.sc. allyl-isopropyl-acetamide; asbestos information association; Asbestos International Association; Association for Industrial Archaeology; automatic information acquisition
abbr., el. application impact assessment
abbr., el., scient. Active Integrated Antenna
abbr., electr.eng. automatic insulation analyzer
abbr., expl. allylisopropylacetamide
abbr., file.ext. Applications Integration Architecture (DEC)
abbr., fin. American International Assurance Company, Limited
abbr., fr., space Academie Internationale d'Astronautique
abbr., inet. All Interested Adults
abbr., IT Adobe Illustrator Action File
abbr., ital., avia. Associazione Italiana di Aerotechnica
abbr., med. American Iatrogenic Association; American Insomnia Association; aspirin-induced asthma (аспирин-индуцированная бронхиальная астма Dimpassy); Allergy Information Association; Associate of the Institute of Actuaries
abbr., media. Annotate Illustrate And Apply
abbr., mil. Army Information Architecture; Army Intelligence Agency; Automation Interoperability Appraisal; Air Intelligence Agency
abbr., mil., avia. accident/incident analysis
abbr., oil Anguina
abbr., opt. Automated Imaging Association
abbr., org.name. Afghan Interim Administration; Advanced Informed Agreement
abbr., patents. Leahy–Smith America Invents Act (The Leahy–Smith America Invents Act (AIA) is a United States federal statute that was passed by Congress and was signed into law by President Barack Obama on September 16, 2011. (Wiki) naiva); America Invents Act (yesley)
abbr., physiol. Ability and Involuntary Action
abbr., physiol., med. Ability And Involuntary Action
abbr., scottish Aerospace Industries Association of America; Associazione Industrie Aerospaziali (Italy)
abbr., sport. Athletes In Action
abbr., st.exch. American Insured Mortgage Investments
abbr., tech. air Intelligence Agency
abbr., UN Autocrats In Action
mil. advise if able; air interdiction aircraft; anti-icing additive; anti-intrusion alarm
tech. authorized inspection agency

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