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[kən'teɪnə] n
comp., MS Container (An application that contains a linked or embedded OLE object from another application)
 English thesaurus
container [kən'teɪnə] abbr.
abbr. ctr (Tiny Tony)
abbr., logist. ctr (в экспортной декларации Bobb)
abbr., mil. contnr; contr
abbr., polym. cntr
mil., abbr. co; ctnr; ctr
mil., logist. Standardized metallic box used for the transport and storage of logistic assets, permitting their multimodal transport without having to change the packaging. (FRA); Packing containing an envelop and straps, permitting the conditioning, transport and dropping of various types of loads. (FRA)
USA An article of transport equipment that meets American National Standards Institute/International Organization for Standardization standards that is designed to facilitate and optimize the carriage of goods by one or more modes of transportation without intermediate handling of the contents (JP 4-01)
: 2 phrases in 1 subject

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