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to wrap

[ræp] v
mech.eng. vynióti
 English thesaurus
wrap. abbr.
abbr. wrapper
wrap [ræp] v
cinema To finish shooting, either for the day or the entire production.
WRAP [ræp] abbr.
abbr. Ward Refurbishment Assessment Project; Washtenaw Rainbow Action Project; Wind, Roll, And Print
abbr., astronaut., mil. Warfighting Acquisition Program
abbr., cinema Wind, Reel And Print (Originally a movie-maker's term, used when filming is completed. Interex)
abbr., comp., net., IT Wireless Router Application Platform
abbr., ecol. waste receiving and processing plant (MichaelBurov)
abbr., ed. Writing And Reading Assessment Program
abbr., el. waste resource allocation program
abbr., environ. Waste Reduction Award Program
abbr., geol., scient. Watershed Research and Assessment Project
abbr., health., med. Wellness Recovery Action Plan
abbr., mil. Warfighting Rapid Acquisition Process
abbr., mil., avia. warfighting rapid acquisition program
abbr., O&G workplace risk assessment procedure (Jespa)
abbr., O&G, casp. workplace risk assessment process (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., relig. Worship, Revelation, And Prayer
abbr., scottish Warfighting Raid Acquisition Program (US Army)
mil., abbr. weapons readiness achievement program; weapons readiness analysis program
tech., abbr. water reactor analysis program
Wrap [ræp] abbr.
abbr., expl. wrapper
wraps. abbr.
abbr., libr. wrappers
WRAP [ræp] abbr.
abbr., oil weighted regression analysis program
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects

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