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[trɪm] n
comp., MS koreguoti pradžią/pabaigą (To hide parts of a file or clip without deleting them from the original source. Files and clips can be trimmed by adjusting the start or end trim point)
to trim [trɪm] n
econ., met. pašãlinti
econ. TRÌMS f
trimming ['trɪmɪŋ] v
math. pritáikymas
med. tvar̃kymas
 English thesaurus
trim [trɪm] n
insur. Trimming
trim. abbr.
abbr., radio tri-mask technique
polym. trimetric
TRIM [trɪm] abbr.
abbr., avia. task related instruction methodology; test resource information module; time related instruction management
abbr., nautic., scient. Tidal Residual Intertidal Mudflat
TRIM [trɪm] abbr.
abbr. test rules for inventory management; Team Rule Information Meeting; Tower Records Information Management; Trade- Related Investment Measure; Trimfast Group, Inc.
abbr., ed., scient. Term Rewrite Instruction Machine
abbr., el. three mask process; trimask process; trajectories of ions in material; transmit-receive, inverse modulation; trimmer; tri-mask
abbr., el., scient. Transport of Ions in Matter
abbr., fin. targeted review of internal models (grafleonov); trade-related investment measure
abbr., food.ind. Taiwan Rice Insertional Mutant
abbr., law Tenants Rights Initiative Of Massachusetts
abbr., med. Temporal resolution improvement method (iwona); transfusion-related immune modulation (inspirado)
abbr., nautic., scient. Terrain Resource Inventory Mapping
abbr., oil tool review and inspection monthly; trade-related investment measures
abbr., scottish Time Resolved Impulse & Momentum
abbr., space time-related instruction management; trail/ roads interdiction multisensor
energ.ind. targeted regulatory improvement
mil. target radiant intensity measurements; technical requirements identification matrix; timely responsive integrated multiuse system; training requirements and information management; transformation of imagery
tech. tri-mask technology
: 3 phrases in 3 subjects

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