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[laɪm] n
agric. rūgščiavaisis citrinmedis (Citrus aurantifolia, Citrus aurantiifolia, Citrus medica var. acida)
chem. kálkės f
earth.sc. klintys f
forestr. sidabrinė liepa
lime Any of various mineral and industrial forms of calcium oxide differing chiefly in water content and percentage of constituent such as silica, alumina and iron [laɪm] n
environ. kálkės f
to lime [laɪm] n
agric., chem. kálkinti
limes [laɪmz] v
agric. žaliosios citrinos
 English thesaurus
lime [laɪm] abbr.
abbr., oil li
LIME [laɪm] abbr.
abbr. Laser-Induced Magnetic Emissions
abbr., scottish Lightweight In-Stride Mine Extractor
Lime [laɪm] abbr.
abbr., oil limestone
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects
Earth sciences1

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