comp., MS |
sukeisti (To alternate between calls when there is an active call and a call on hold) |
IT, el. |
atmintukas |
med. |
pliūpsnis |
law, mech.eng., el. |
mirksėti |
comp., MS |
Mirksintis (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker) |
med. |
mirksėjimas |
English thesaurus |
abbr., construct. |
flashing |
abbr., chem., scient. |
Family Life And Sexual Health |
abbr., earth.sc. |
forecasting and local analysis system for hydrology |
abbr., el. |
fast large area scan hardware |
abbr., math., scient. |
Factual Lines About Submarine Hazards |
abbr., med. |
Fast Low Angle Single Shot (методика быстрых импульсных последовательностей с единичным возбуждающим импульсом и малым углом отклонения bizlex) |
abbr., mil., avia. |
flash memory |
abbr., scient. |
Fun Leisure Activities Services And Holidays |
abbr., scottish |
Folding Light Acoustic System for Helicopters |
abbr., space |
Firebee low altitude ship-to-ship homing missile |
mil. |
flame launched assault shoulder- or hip-fired; flashless |