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[ku:l] v
earth.sc., mech.eng. vėsìnti
to cool [ku:l] v
gen. vėsìnti
cooling Setting aside a highly radioactive material until the radioactivity has diminished to a desired level ['ku:lɪŋ] v
environ. áušinimas
 English thesaurus
COOL [ku:l] abbr.
abbr. Career Options On Line; Children Overcoming Outstanding Loss; Clerk's Office On Line; Commerce Opportunities On Line; Constipated Overweight Out-of-style Loser; Construction Opportunities On Line; Country Of Origin Labeling; Cyberian Outpost, Inc.; Chapter Officers Optimizing Lead; Character Object Oriented Lessons; Christ Ordering Our Lives; Church On Our Level; Clear Ongoing Open Library; COBOL Object Orientated Language (OOP, COBOL); Constipated Overall Overweighted Loser; Contrived Object Oriented Language; Cooperative Opportunity For Online Learning
abbr., auto. coolant temperature
abbr., avia. cooler
abbr., earth.sc. Coordinating Committee on the Ozone Layer
abbr., ed. Community Of Online Learners; Comprehensive Object Oriented Learning
abbr., ed., scient. Calculus Offered On Line; Campus Outreach Opportunities League; Campus Outreach Opportunity League; Canberra's Own Outstanding List; College Opportunities On Line
abbr., el. checkout oriented language; concurrent object oriented language; control oriented language
abbr., environ. Clean Our Okanagan Lake
abbr., food.ind., sec.sys. country of origin labelling
abbr., inet. Constipated Overweight Old Lady
abbr., IT C Object Oriented Language; Chinese Object Oriented Language; Crocus Object-Oriented Layer
abbr., law Crisis Over Outrageous Law
abbr., progr., IT Ceres Object Oriented Library
abbr., relig. Children Of Our Lord; Christ Our Only Lord; Christ Over Our Lives; Christian Outreach Of Lutherans
abbr., textile Country Of Origin Label
cool [ku:l] abbr.
abbr. coolant
abbr., inf. schmick (chronik)
abbr., slang kewl (kewl = cool BARC)
: 25 phrases in 11 subjects
Energy industry1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Municipal planning1
Physical sciences1

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