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[bəult] n
transp., mech.eng. užsklę̃sti m
to bolt [bəult] n
nat.sc. užsklę̃sti m
 English thesaurus
BOLT [bəult] abbr.
abbr. BSE On-Line Trading; Building Our Leaders For Tomorrow
abbr., ed. Building Opportunities For Learning Together
abbr., el., scient. Burn Out Lighted Timer
abbr., O&G build-operate-lease-transfer (Kovrigin)
abbr., scottish Beacon Observation Laser Team (USA)
abbr., sport. Bikers Of Lesser Tolerance
abbr., tradem. Boxford Open Land Trust
abbr., transp. Battery Operated Local Transit
tech. beam-of-light transistor; bomb laser tracking
bolt [bəult] v
austral. do the Harold holt (Also "to do the Harold")
BOLT [bəult] abbr.
abbr., avia. Boeing operations leadership team
abbr., el. beam-of-light-transistor; bi-orthogonality lapped transform; block-oriented logic translation
abbr., mil., air.def. bomb of LASER tracking
BoLT [bəult] abbr.
abbr., oil beam of light transistor
: 8 phrases in 5 subjects
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