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['æktɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n] n
comp., MS aktivizācija (In a sequence diagram, the time period during which an object or actor is performing an action. Activation is represented by a thin rectangle); aktivizēšana (The process of validating software with the manufacturer. Activation confirms the genuine status of a product and that the product key has not been compromised. It establishes a relationship between the software's product key and a particular installation of that software on a device)
phys.sc., nucl.phys. aktivācija
social.sc., lab.law., unions. aktivizācija; iesaistīšana darba tirgū
 English thesaurus
activation ['æktɪ'veɪʃ(ə)n] n
mil., abbr. activ; actv
mil., logist. Putting into existence an organization, whose creation is planned and prepared so that it can function in its assigned capacity. (FRA)
USA Order to active duty other than for training in the federal service (JP 4-05) see also active duty, federal service
: 22 phrases in 4 subjects

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