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noun | abbreviation | to phrases
acid ['æsɪd] n
econ. skābe f
acid A compound capable of transferring a hydrogen ion in solution ['æsɪd] n
environ. skābe f
Acid ['æsɪd] n
comp., MS Acid mūzika (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 34)
 English thesaurus
acid ['æsɪd] abbr.
abbr., plast. to acidify
abbr., polym. ac
law lsd, an hallucinogenic drug
O&G acidize
acid. abbr.
abbr. acidification; acidify; acidified
γ-acid abbr.
abbr., chem. 2-amino-8-naphthol-6-sulfonic acid
ACID ['æsɪd] abbr.
abbr. Amstrad Cartridge Identification Device; Analysis Console for Intrusion Databases; Atomicity - Consistency - Isolation - Durability (DB, TP)
abbr., astronaut. address space identifier
abbr., auto. acceleration, cruise, idle, deceleration (test cycle)
abbr., avia. aircraft identification (Interex); aircraft tail number (Interex); aircraft component identification data
abbr., el. atomicity-consistency-isolation-durability
abbr., file.ext. Automated Classification and Interpretation of Data
abbr., IT Atomic, Consistent, Independent, and Durable; Automation, Consolidation, Internationalization, and Diversification; atomicity, consistency, isolation, durability (Bricker); automatic classification and interpretation of data; Automatic Consistency Integration Of Database
abbr., mil. Adaptive COMSEC Interface Device; Analysis Console For Intrusion Databases
abbr., progr., IT Abstract Consciousness In Development; Analysis Control For Intrusion Detection; Atomic Consistent Isolated And Durable
abbr., scient. Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability
abbr., scottish Advanced Change In Design
abbr., sec.sys. access identifier
abbr., sec.sys., IT Analysis Console For Incident Databases; Anti Copying In Design
abbr., tradem. ANSI Creators In Demand
tech. acidification; acidified; acidify
ACIDS abbr.
abbr., mil., avia. aircraft integrated data system
ACID ['æsɪd] abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. Asian Council of Industrial Development
: 182 phrases in 12 subjects
Energy industry1
Food industry74
Health care3
Life sciences13