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[lu:p] n
comp., MS ຮອບວຽນ (A series of instructions that is repeated a fixed number of times or until a terminating condition is reached); ວົນວຽນ (To execute a group of statements repeatedly)
 English thesaurus
loop [lu:p] n
mil., logist. Operation which consists in joining the conductors of a same circuit for control and measuring purposes. The word "loop" is often used, wrongly, instead of "connection". (FRA)
LOOP [lu:p] abbr.
abbr., auto. indicated loop status of the engine computer
loops n
mil., abbr. lps
LOOP [lu:p] abbr.
abbr. Louisiana Offshore Oil Port; long-range open ocean patrol
abbr., auto. engine operating loop status
abbr., el. low-cost optimized optical passive components
abbr., gynecol. luteal out-of-phase event (Rada0414)
abbr., IT Logic Of Object Oriented Programming; Loop on Count
abbr., transp. Louisiana Offshore Oil Platform
mil., abbr. long-range open ocean patrol
progr., abbr. Loop on Count
tech. loss of off-site power

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