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['aɪtəm] n
comp., MS ລາຍການ (The basic element that holds information in Outlook (similar to a file in other programs). Items include e-mail messages, appointments, contacts, tasks, journal entries, notes, posted items, and documents)
 English thesaurus
ITEM ['aɪtəm] abbr.
abbr. Independent Treasury Economic Model; Information Technology Equipment Manager
abbr., avia. internal thermal environment management; Illustrated Tool and Equipment Manual (Иллюстрированное руководство по инструменту и оборудованию geseb); illustrated tool & equipment manual
abbr., el. integrated test and maintenance (system)
abbr., med. International Trade And Exhibition Messe
abbr., mil. Interactive Training Event Menu
abbr., progr., IT If Then Else Minimizer
energ.ind. improvements of techniques for multiscale modeling of irradiated materials
mil. integrated test and maintenance
tech. integrated test and maintenance system
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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