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[end] n
comp., MS ຈົບ (To stop communications or a network connection)
 English thesaurus
end [end] abbr.
abbr. enclosed (Vosoni); endorsed
abbr., med. endoreduplication
abbr., oil endorseed
abbr., progr. expiration (ssn)
end. abbr.
abbr. enclosed; endorsements (в водительских удостоверениях Tiny Tony)
abbr., commer. cancel
abbr., econ. endorse
abbr., libr. enclosure
END [end] abbr.
abbr. European Nuclear Disarmament; Equivalent Neutral Density
abbr., avia. end of data
abbr., earth.sc. equivalent neutral density; equivalent normal deviate
abbr., el. electronic null detection
abbr., file.ext. Arrow-head definition file (CorelDraw)
abbr., IT Arrow-head definition file
abbr., med. Electroneurodiagnostic Technologist; Endocrinology (код больничного отделения Ying); exaltation of Newcastle disease virus; Endothelial Cells
abbr., mil., avia. endorse
abbr., mus. Epidemik Never Dies
abbr., oil end curve name (for area shading)
abbr., physiol. Ending Nicotine Dependence
abbr., physiol., med. Exotic Newcastle Disease
abbr., post Evolutionary Network Development
tech. end of data
ENDS abbr.
abbr. Environmental Data Services Ltd.
abbr., earth.sc. Environmental Data Services; equivalent normal derivates; European Atomic Authority Nuclear Documentation System
abbr., file.ext. Ends Segment
ecol. Environmental Data Service
mil. European nuclear documentation system
End [end] abbr.
abbr., oil Endicott; endorsement; endorser; endurance
progr., abbr. E
End. n
law endorsement; endorser; endorsed
ends n
biol. condense
END [end] abbr.
abbr. endorsements (в водительском удостоверении США Kseniya_Ya)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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