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Link Control Protocol

comp., MS ຫຼັກການຄຸ້ມຄອງການເຊື່ອມຕໍ່ (A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connection)
 English thesaurus
Link Control Protocol
comp., MS LCP (A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connection)
telecom., abbr. LCP (PPP)
Link Control Protocol A PPP control protocol that negotiates link and PPP parameters to dynamically configure the data-link layer of a PPP connection
abbr., comp., MS LCP
comp., MS LCP (Link Control Protocol)
PPP Link Control Protocol
IT, abbr. LCP (PPP, RFC 1570)

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