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 English thesaurus
IRP abbr.
abbr. Integrated Resource Package; Integrated Resource Plan; Integrated Resource Planning; Intermediary Relending Program; Independent Routing Processor; International Reference Preparation; Internal Reference Pricing (Millie); infra-red preamplifier
abbr., auto. international register program (organization)
abbr., avia. Isiro, Congo; irregularity report; integrated refuel panel; internal reference point; international routing plan; integrated refuel refueling panel
abbr., bank. interest rate swap payments (MichaelBurov)
abbr., earth.sc. infrared passive
abbr., EBRD initial review package (raf); integrated resource planning (raf)
abbr., ed. Independent Reading Program; Independent Reading Project; Individualized Reading Program
abbr., ed., scient. Intensive Research Project
abbr., el. infrared preamplifier; integration reference point; IO request packet
abbr., inet. International Registration Plan
abbr., IT I/O Request Packet; Information Retrieval Protocol; Infinite Resource Planning; Interrupt Request Packet
abbr., law Investigative Review Panel
abbr., med. Intraocular Retinal Prosthesis; Interrupted Renewal Process; interventional reference point (harser); International Radon Project (Международный радоновый проект Всемирной организации по здравоохранению (ВОЗ) Сабу)
abbr., mil., avia. ice on runway-patchy
abbr., mil., WMD Installation Restoration Program
abbr., O&G ice-resistant platform (MichaelBurov)
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. ice-resistant platform
abbr., O&G, sakh. Interposing relay panel (jamaliya)
abbr., oil ice-resistant platforms (andrushin); industry-recommended practice
abbr., org.name. International Recovery Platform
abbr., pharma. International Reference Panel (ochernen)
abbr., physiol., med. Iron Regulatory Protein
abbr., polit. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
abbr., progr. I/O request packet (ssn)
abbr., scottish Individual Reinforcement Plan; Islamic Renaissance Party (Afghanistan)
abbr., space inertial reference package; infrared probe; intelligent resource planning; intermediate rated power
abbr., sport. Inherited Runs Prevented; Initial Readiness Position
abbr., telecom. intra-office reperforator; interrupt process
abbr., tradem. Independent Research Provider
energ.ind. incidence response plan
mil. ice on runway-patchy; improved replenishment program; in-flight reporting post; in-process review; industrial readiness planning; infrared radiation profile; intelligence report plan
tech. incident response plan; initial boiling point; initial receiving point; input/output request packet; intermediate rotating plug

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