comp., MS |
ໄອເອເອສ (A part of an IrDA infrared communication protocol used so that devices can learn about the services offered by another device) |
English thesaurus |
abbr., med. |
International Union Of Microbiological Societies |
abbr. |
Ideas Action And Success; Immediate Access Storage; Immediate Access Store (Vosoni); Increased Attack Speed; indicated airspeed; Inertial Active Suspension; Inertial Active System; Inmate Assignment System; Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, France; Institute for Advanced Studies; Institute of Advanced Studies; Institute of Aeronautical Sciences; Institute of Aerospace Sciences; integrated AUTODIN system; Intelligence Access System; Interactive Application System (DEC); Interactive Applications System; International Approval Services; International Armaments Strategy; International Association of Sediment ologists; International Association of Seismology; Internet Authentication Server; Iridium Aeronautical Services; International Auditing Standards (oVoD); Institute for Advanced Study; Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences; Institute of the Aerospace Sciences |
abbr., astr. |
International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior |
abbr., auto. |
inlet air solenoid (Ford); inertia active system; intelligent airbag system |
abbr., automat. |
Industry Applications Society |
abbr., avia. |
integrated avionics system; international aircraft standard; airspeed; independent airlift support; instrument approach system; integrated access server; interactive application server; integral airframe structures; integrated acoustic structures; immediate attention supervisor; international applications satellite; iron and steel |
abbr., avia., med. |
incremental adaptation schedule |
abbr., comp., MS |
Information Access Service (A part of an IrDA infrared communication protocol used so that devices can learn about the services offered by another device) |
abbr., comp., net. |
intruder alarm system |
abbr., earth.sc. |
Indian Agricultural Service; instantaneous advance speed; Iowa Academy of Science |
abbr., EBRD |
International Auditing Guidelines (raf) |
abbr., el. |
information about strings; information access services; information application server; information automation system; integrated alignment system; interactive computing system; ion acoustic scattering |
abbr., file.ext. |
Internet Access Server |
abbr., fin. |
International Accounting Standards (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., forestr. |
invasive alien species |
abbr., IT |
immediate address storage; international accounting standards (Bricker); intelligent automation system; Internet access service |
abbr., law |
Individual Assignment System (аббревиатура встречается в шапке документа - решения суда Tiny Tony) |
abbr., Makarov. |
interactive application system; ion-acoustic scattering |
abbr., med. |
Immunisation Awareness Society; Immunosuppressive Acidic Substance; Infant Apnea Syndrome; Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome; International Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Society; International AIDS Society; intentionally added substances (iwona); Integrated Analysis of Safety ( (ННатальЯ); intra-amniotic saline infusion |
abbr., med.appl. |
interatrial septum (ЭхоКГ harser) |
abbr., mil. |
Intelligence Analysis System; Intelligent Assisting System; International Assistance System |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
integrated aviation system |
abbr., mil., WMD |
Information Analysis System; instrument air system |
abbr., multimed. |
Internet authentication service |
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. |
Institute of Automated Systems |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
International Association of Sedimentologists |
abbr., oil |
ideal adsorbed solution; ideal associated solution; Idaho Asphalt Supply Inc; image-analysis system; Institute for Atmospheric Sciences; internally activated silicates; International Accounting Standard; International Approval Service; International Association of Sedimentology; investigation and survey |
abbr., pharm. |
integrated analysis of safety (shpak_07) |
abbr., physiol. |
Inter-Atrial Septum |
abbr., post |
International Accounting System |
abbr., progr. |
industrial automation system (ssn) |
abbr., scottish |
Improved Armour System; Indicated Air Speed; Integrated Acoustic Sensor |
abbr., shipb. |
Integrated Automation System (MingNa) |
abbr., space |
image analysis system; impact attenuation system; integrated acoustic structure; international application satellite; interplanetary automated shuttle |
abbr., tech. |
integrated alarm system (LyuFi); individual airspeed; instruments approach system |
abbr., textile |
International Aircraft Standards |
airports |
Iasi, Romania |
mil. |
immediate air support; impact assessment sheet; indirect air support; infantry assault ship; information acquisition system; interdepartmental agency support; intrusion alarm system |
abbr., el. |
Internet application server |