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comp., MS ເອັດທີເອັມແອວ (An application of the Standard Generalized Markup Language that uses tags to mark elements, such as text and graphics, in a document to indicate how Web browsers should display these elements to the user and should respond to user actions)
 English thesaurus
HTML abbr.
abbr. Hamburger Tomato Mayo And Lettuce; Hazards Tickle My Larynx; Hello To My Love; Hey That's My Lunch; Hey Too Much Layout; How To Make Love (Interex)
abbr., auto. hyper text makeup language
abbr., avia. hyper text mark-up language
abbr., commer. Hyper Text Markup Language
abbr., comp. Hyper Text Message Language (Vosoni)
abbr., comp., net. Hyper-Text Markup Language; Hypertext Markup Language (MichaelBurov)
abbr., dat.proc. hypertext markup language
abbr., el. hypertext markup language
abbr., file.ext. HyperText Markup Language document
abbr., inf. HyperText Markup Language (Язык, лежащий в основе формирования документов World Wide Web)
abbr., IT hypertext mark-up language
abbr., libr. HTML Hypertext markup language
abbr., telecom. hypertext makeup language; Hyper Text Mark Up Language
mil. Hypertext Meta-Language
HTML+ abbr.
abbr., el. hypertext markup language plus
.HTML abbr.
IT text/html

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