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comp., MS ດີວີ (Video images and sound stored in a digital format)
 English thesaurus
DV abbr.
abbr. Da Vet; Delavan; Diversity Visa; Duc De Villeroy; Decimal Overflow (Vosoni); Deo Vo lente (God willing); Drunken Vampire
abbr., AI. Displacement Vector
abbr., auto. delay valve; digital video corder
abbr., avia. defueling valve; depressurization valve; design validation; designated verification; disk valve; drain valve
abbr., avia., med. dependent variable
abbr., busin. dispersal vessel; dividend; dual Valuation
abbr., comp., net. digital video
abbr., earth.sc. daily volume; death valley; deviation of the vertical; Dokhan volcanics; far eastern
abbr., el. dedicated view; depended variable; desktop video; desktop videoconferencing; digital VCR; dimer vacancy
abbr., el., scient. Design verification; Dispersion Voltage
abbr., electr.eng. differential voltage
abbr., fin. discounted value
abbr., food.ind. Dry Vermouth
abbr., IT Data And Voice; Desired Value; Digital Video; Digital Vision; Don't Vomit
abbr., lab.eq. Dengue Virus
abbr., law Domestic Violence
abbr., logist. Dry Van (shipping/trucking container Jazzgirl)
abbr., math., scient. Derivative of V
abbr., med. Datura Virus; Distemper Virus; Dwarf Virus; Distribution Volume
abbr., mil., air.def. data voice
abbr., O&G, sakh. diverter tool
abbr., oil differential valve; decibels above one volt; diesel vessel; dilute volume; direct vulcanization; distribution valve; disturbance variables; diverting value; dump valve
abbr., physiol. Distance Vision
abbr., police Developed Vetting
abbr., polym. double vibration
abbr., railw. Delaware Valley Railway Company
abbr., relig. Deo Volente
abbr., scottish Direct View / Vision
abbr., space direct-vision
abbr., st.exch. Daily Value; Devry, Inc.
abbr., tech. day visual; daylight visual
abbr., well.contr. dv collar
Apollo-Soyuz descent vehicle
energ.ind. divert valve
mil. direct vision; disabled veteran; disbursement voucher; discharged veteran
O&G control deviation value; deviation; instantaneous deviation
tech. daily variation; data vetting; decoy vehicle; differential voltmeter; direct voltage; Doppler velocity
water.suppl. dichromate value
dv abbr.
abbr. declared value; device; distinguished visitor; double vision
abbr., oil dividends
dv. abbr.
abbr., commer. device
abbr., econ. dividend
DVC abbr.
abbr., media. digital video (cassette)
.dv abbr.
file.ext. DESQview Script (file name extension)
Dv abbr.
tech. diffusivity of vapor

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