comp., MS |
ດີວີ (Video images and sound stored in a digital format) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
Da Vet; Delavan; Diversity Visa; Duc De Villeroy; Decimal Overflow (Vosoni); Deo Vo lente (God willing); Drunken Vampire |
abbr., AI. |
Displacement Vector |
abbr., auto. |
delay valve; digital video corder |
abbr., avia. |
defueling valve; depressurization valve; design validation; designated verification; disk valve; drain valve |
abbr., avia., med. |
dependent variable |
abbr., busin. |
dispersal vessel; dividend; dual Valuation |
abbr., comp., net. |
digital video |
abbr., earth.sc. |
daily volume; death valley; deviation of the vertical; Dokhan volcanics; far eastern |
abbr., el. |
dedicated view; depended variable; desktop video; desktop videoconferencing; digital VCR; dimer vacancy |
abbr., el., scient. |
Design verification; Dispersion Voltage |
abbr., electr.eng. |
differential voltage |
abbr., fin. |
discounted value |
abbr., food.ind. |
Dry Vermouth |
abbr., IT |
Data And Voice; Desired Value; Digital Video; Digital Vision; Don't Vomit |
abbr., lab.eq. |
Dengue Virus |
abbr., law |
Domestic Violence |
abbr., logist. |
Dry Van (shipping/trucking container Jazzgirl) |
abbr., math., scient. |
Derivative of V |
abbr., med. |
Datura Virus; Distemper Virus; Dwarf Virus; Distribution Volume |
abbr., mil., air.def. |
data voice |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
diverter tool |
abbr., oil |
differential valve; decibels above one volt; diesel vessel; dilute volume; direct vulcanization; distribution valve; disturbance variables; diverting value; dump valve |
abbr., physiol. |
Distance Vision |
abbr., police |
Developed Vetting |
abbr., polym. |
double vibration |
abbr., railw. |
Delaware Valley Railway Company |
abbr., relig. |
Deo Volente |
abbr., scottish |
Direct View / Vision |
abbr., space |
direct-vision |
abbr., st.exch. |
Daily Value; Devry, Inc. |
abbr., tech. |
day visual; daylight visual |
abbr., well.contr. |
dv collar |
Apollo-Soyuz |
descent vehicle |
energ.ind. |
divert valve |
mil. |
direct vision; disabled veteran; disbursement voucher; discharged veteran |
O&G |
control deviation value; deviation; instantaneous deviation |
tech. |
daily variation; data vetting; decoy vehicle; differential voltmeter; direct voltage; Doppler velocity |
water.suppl. |
dichromate value |
abbr. |
declared value; device; distinguished visitor; double vision |
abbr., oil |
dividends |
abbr., commer. |
device |
abbr., econ. |
dividend |
abbr., media. |
digital video (cassette) |
file.ext. |
DESQview Script (file name extension) |
tech. |
diffusivity of vapor |