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comp., MS ດີທີດີ (A set of syntax rules for mark-up tags and their interpretation. Within an HTML (or XML) document, a DTD provides specific information on what tags are used in the document (and in what order those tags should appear), which tags can appear inside other ones, which tags have attributes, and so forth. Originally developed for use with Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), DTD defines the relationships between document elements)
 English thesaurus
DTD abbr.
abbr. Digital Terrain Data; Director of Technical Development; Director of Training Department
abbr., agric. diphenyl thiourea
abbr., auto. date
abbr., avia. Datakawai, Indonesia; damage tolerant design
abbr., biochem. DT-diaphorase (Игорь_2006)
abbr., BrE Department of Tank Design
abbr., comp., MS document type definition (A set of syntax rules for mark-up tags and their interpretation. Within an HTML (or XML) document, a DTD provides specific information on what tags are used in the document (and in what order those tags should appear), which tags can appear inside other ones, which tags have attributes, and so forth. Originally developed for use with Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML), DTD defines the relationships between document elements)
abbr., earth.sc. dielectric track detectors
abbr., el. data timeslot design; digital terrain database
abbr., file.ext. Data Transfer Done
abbr., IT Data Type Definition; Database Table Definition; Document Type Declaration; document type description
abbr., logist. definite time of departure
abbr., med. Delivered Total Dose; Desmoglein Terminal Domain; Diastrophic Dysplasia; Document Type Definition; Day to Day; Developmental Topographical Disorientation; Diploma in Tuberculous Disease
abbr., mil. Dated; Digital Topographic Data; Digitized Terrain Database; Directorate of Training Developments; Deployable Training Division; detailed troop decontamination; detailed troop decon; Directorate of Training Developments
abbr., mil., air.def. date transfer device
abbr., mil., avia. damage tolerance design
abbr., oil drilling driller's total depth; delta T dolomite; Devine tomographic data; directorate of technical development; driller’s total depth; N, N, -di-o-tolylethylene diamine
abbr., physiol., med. Day To Day
abbr., progr. document type definition (определение типа документа; см. ГОСТ Р ИСО/ТС 22745-13-2009 ssn); document type declaration (ssn)
abbr., scottish Damage-Tolerance Design; Data Transfer Device
abbr., shipb. data transport device
abbr., space damage-tolerant design; data-transfer device; digital tool definition
abbr., textile doctor of textile dyeing
mil. dedicated technology demonstration; detailed test description; dismounted training day
tech. drilling total depth; dual trace display
dtd abbr.
abbr. dated
abbr., oil detached
Dtd abbr.
gen. Dated Brent (Katerina.br)

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