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comp., MS 전송
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comp., MS 회선
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transfer ['trænsfɜ:] n
comp., MS 전송하다 (To move data from one location to another); 전송 (A menu item that transfers the current phone call without the user remaining on the line to announce the call)
Transfer ['trænsfɜ:] n
comp., MS 전송 (A menu item that transfers the current phone call without the user remaining on the line to announce the call)
 English thesaurus
transfer ['trænsfɜ:] abbr.
abbr., account. t/f
abbr., agric. trs
abbr., amer. tfr.; trans; transf.
abbr., build.struct. trsf (Serhio the best)
abbr., econ. tsfr
abbr., IT trn
abbr., mining. trfr
invest., abbr. tfr
mil., abbr. tr; trf
tech., abbr. trnfr
Transfer ['trænsfɜ:] n
mil., abbr. Xfer
TRANSFER ['trænsfɜ:] n
mil. transportation simulation for estimating requirements
: 33 phrases in 4 subjects
Information technology9