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[əd'vɜ:tɪsmənt], US: [ˌædvɚˈtaɪzmənt] n
comp., MS 보급 알림 (A Configuration Manager object that the site server sends as a notification to the management points, specifying that a program, software update deployment, or task sequence is available for clients); 광고 (A message placed in a mass medium (and usually paid for by the advertiser) to persuade targeted customers or prospects)
 English thesaurus
advertisement [əd'vɜ:tɪsmənt] abbr.
abbr. adv; advert; advt; adt (Vosoni); advmt (объявление; реклама Углов)
abbr., econ. ads (Seregaboss)
abbr., inf. ad
advertisements abbr.
abbr. ads (Vosoni); advr (рекламные объявления Углов)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject

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