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[dɪf] n
comp., MS DIAF (A format consisting of ASCII codes in which database, spreadsheet, and similar documents can be structured to facilitate their use by and transfer to other programs)
 English thesaurus
DIF [dɪf] abbr.
abbr. Development Impact Fee; Difference In Fahrenheit; Defense Industrial Fund; Document Interchange Format; divergence indicator; device input format
abbr., auto. double inside fans
abbr., avia. development and integration facilities
abbr., comp., net. data interchange format
abbr., comp., net., IT Directory Interchange Format
abbr., EBRD Direct Investment Facility (raf)
abbr., el. data information file; data information frame; data interface format; diagnostic information file; display information facility; document interface format
abbr., file.ext. Difference data file (Patch script)
abbr., immunol. differentiation-inducing factor
abbr., IT Data Interchange Format - Database; Difference data file; Digitally Improvized Format; Display Information File
abbr., libr. data interexchange format
abbr., med. Drug Information Fulltext (database); diffuse interstitial fibrosis
abbr., media. Data Interchange Format
abbr., mil., air.def. data intercommunion format
abbr., mil., avia. data interface facility
abbr., oil Deposit Insurance Fund
abbr., sec.sys. document interchange facilities
abbr., securit. development loan fund
abbr., vet.med., med. Dairy Industry Federation
comp. digital interface frame
mil. direction finding; duty involving flying
tech. descriptive item file; diffuse; direction finder
dif [dɪf] abbr.
abbr. different
abbr., avia. diiodofluorescein
abbr., med. differential
inf. difference
dif. abbr.
abbr., earth.sc. difference; different
DIFanalysis [dɪf] abbr.
abbr. Difficulty, Importance, Frequency (This is the method of assessing ferformance, prioritising training needs and planning training, based on three perspectives. Interex)
DIF [dɪf] abbr.
abbr., busin. development investment fund; differ; difficulty
abbr., comp., MS DIF (A format consisting of ASCII codes in which database, spreadsheet, and similar documents can be structured to facilitate their use by and transfer to other programs)
abbr., earth.sc. development's investment fund
abbr., med. direct immunofluorescence
abbr., multimed. Digital Library Federation
abbr., oil drilling induced fractures (grafleonov); deep investigation factor; drill-in fluids
abbr., space domsat interface facility
abbr., telecom. data interchange code format
abbr., textile development insurance fund
abbr., well.contr. drill in fluid

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