comp., MS |
ស៊ីអឹមស៊ី (A numeric code that identifies taxpayers who perform self-employed work in Brazil) |
English thesaurus |
abbr. |
complete culture medium; Chipley Custom Machine; Catholic Community Of Manchester; Chromosome Coordinating Meeting; Counter Counter-Measures; controlled carrier modulation |
abbr., adv. |
creative communication management |
abbr., auto. |
central control module; continuous component monitor; comprehensive component monitor; chassis control module; check control module; climate control module; combination control module; constant temperature control module; capability maturity model; cell nuclear center module; climate A/C control module; combined control module; comprehensive components; convenience charge module |
abbr., avia. |
Customized Completion Manual (4uzhoj); cargo control module; castable ceramic mold; checkout control and monitor subsystem; cockpit control module; command comparison monitor; command control and monitor system; communication countermeasures; control carrier modulation; cooperative countermeasures; coordinated countermeasures; customer configuration memo; Code Cancellation Message (повідомлення про відміну коду gov.ua bojana) |
abbr., chem. |
critical concentration for micelle formation (MichaelBurov); critical micelle concentration (MichaelBurov); CMC (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., combust. |
contract coordination manual (Siemens usage IgBar) |
abbr., commun. |
cross connect multiplexer |
abbr., EBRD |
concept clearance memorandum |
abbr., ed., scient. |
Cincinnati Conservatory of Music |
abbr., el. |
carbon coated mica; central control mode; charge-carrier mobility; charge carrier multiplier; charge collection mode; charge coupled memory; circuit configuration monitor; close-confinement mesa; cluster console manager; coincident-current method; color changing medium; common channel management; communication controller mutlichannel; complex cross modulation; component connection model; composite color monitor; computer control module; consistent communication matrix; continuous-conduction mode; corporate cash manager; custom computing machine; customer contact manager |
abbr., el., scient. |
Continuous Conduction Mode |
abbr., electr.eng. |
communication control module; critical current margin |
abbr., expl., int. law. |
Convention on Cluster Munitions (4uzhoj) |
abbr., file.ext. |
Corba Component Mode; Mailbox (Lotus CC:Mail) |
abbr., health., med. |
Comprehensive Care Management |
abbr., IT |
Comprehensive Client Manager; CORBA Component Model |
abbr., karate. |
communications control and monitor |
abbr., Makarov. |
complex coordinate method |
abbr., med. |
Canadian College Of Microbiologists. Collège Canadien Des Microbiologistes; Cerebrocostomandibular (syndrome); Congestive Cardiomyopathy; Chronic Care Model (Yura_N); California College of Medicine; critical care medicine; CCM (miss_cum) |
abbr., met. |
computer controlled mill; computer controlled mode |
abbr., microbiol. |
Czech Collection of Microorganisns (Чешская коллекция микроорганизмов MusicalTree) |
abbr., microel. |
charge-coupled memory |
abbr., mil. |
Canadian Cadet Movement |
abbr., monk. |
Content And Collaboration Management |
abbr., mus. |
Contemporary Christian Music |
abbr., nautic., scient. |
Community Climate Model |
abbr., O&G, sakh. |
Category and Contract Management (В рамках Supply Chain Management); Commercial Advisory Committee (SEIC ABelonogov) |
abbr., oil |
cement-cut mud; condensate-cut mud |
abbr., org.name. |
Caribbean Common Market |
abbr., phys., scient. |
Computational Continuum Mechanics |
abbr., post |
Coalition of Catalog Mailers |
abbr., progr., IT |
Cisco Call Manager |
abbr., scient. |
compact cold mill |
abbr., scottish |
Communications Control Module; Conventional Cruise Missile; Counter Countermeasures |
abbr., shipb. |
coincident current memory |
abbr., space |
concordance cosmological model (MichaelBurov) |
abbr., sport. |
Clews Competition Motorcycles |
abbr., textile |
computer color matching |
ecol., abbr. |
certification program for consulting meteorologists |
energ.ind., abbr. |
climate change mitigation; coal combustion modeling |
mil., abbr. |
command and control module; confidential code message; countercountermeasures; cross-country movement |
tech., abbr. |
combined cipher machine; combined coding machine; command and control marine system; constant current modulation; control computer module; convection current mode; crew/cargo module |
tech., mil., avia. |
central control and monitoring |
abbr. |
counter-countermeasures |
abbr., oil |
cubic centimeter |
med. |
critical care medicine (реаниматология, помощь тяжелобольным skai) |
met. |
continuous casting machine (Киселев) |
abbr., libr. |
centimeters |
mining. |
cubic centimetre |
abbr., auto. |
Cruise Control Module (Sagoto) |
abbr., avia. |
customer service coordination memo; combat cargo mission |
abbr., busin. |
cubic centimetre |
abbr., comp. |
coincident-current memory |
abbr., comp., net. |
call control manager |
abbr., earth.sc. |
cell collocation method; cross correlation method; crystallization or chemical magnetization |
abbr., IT |
customer choice model (Agasphere); Customer Communications Management (DmSin) |
abbr., mater.sc. |
carbon composite material (igisheva) |
abbr., neurosurg. |
cerebral cavernous malformation (doc090) |
abbr., oil |
circulated and conditioned mud; column chromatographic method; communication check module; condensate cut mud; constrained cross correlation method |
abbr., space |
configuration control module; counter-countermeasure |
abbr., UN, AIDS. |
Country Coordination Mechanisms |