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[keɪv] n
gen. үңгір (agylshyn_oqy)
 English thesaurus
CAVE [keɪ'vi:] abbr.
abbr. Cave for Automated Virtual Environment (VR)
abbr., avia. chief aviation engineer
abbr., comp., net. Cave Automatic Virtual Environment
abbr., ed. Community And Voluntary Education
abbr., el. cellular authentication and voice encription
abbr., file.ext. Computer Automatic Virtual Environment
abbr., oil computer-aided vision engineering; consolidated aquanauts vital equipment
abbr., progr., IT Cave Advanced Virtual Environment
abbr., sec.sys., IT Cellular Authentication and Voice Encryption
abbr., transp. Citizens Against Virtually Everything
mil. calibration, alignment, verification equipment
cave [keɪv] v
gen. см. cave in

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